Serial control of the actuator, Establishing serial communications, Serial communication protocol – VICI Two Position Microelectric User Manual

Page 4

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Position B. Operation in this mode requires two relays, as shown in
the illustration at right. Relays should be asserted (turned on) for
a minimum of 30 msec and deasserted (turned off) for a minimum
of 30 msec before the next assertion.

Mode 2
Operation in this mode requires one relay. In mode 2, asserting
pin 5 causes the actuator to toggle from the current to the oppo-
site position. Asserting pin 6 causes the actuator to toggle to the
opposite position, delay for a preset period of time (the default is
100 ms), and toggle back to the original position.

Mode Setup

To set the actuator mode, connect it to an RS-232 serial port as
described in the section below, Establishing Serial
. To see the current setting, enter the SM
command as shown in the Serial Commands chart on page 5. To
change the mode, enter SM

n, where n is 1 or 2. The DT command displays the current delay time

setting. This setting can be changed with the DTn command, where

n is the desired time from 0 to

65,000 milliseconds.

Mode settings are saved when the power is off.

Serial Control of the Actuator

Establishing Serial Communications

Items required:

• Valco cable assembly I-22697 or equivalent
• Terminal emulation or communication software such as QModem, ProComm, or



Terminal or HyperTerminal, running on a PC-compatible computer

1. Connect the I-22697 cable to the actuator as indicated in Figure 1, and set the serial port at 9600

baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no hardware or software handshaking.

2. With the software running, check the bi-directional communication link between the keyboard/moni-

tor of the computer and the serial port by typing VR. If the link is functioning and an actuator
ID has not been set, a message similar to the following will appear on your monitor, giving the
program number and date of the actuator firmware.

I-PD-ETX88RXX (XX = revision number)
2 - Aug - 99

If there is no response, it is possible that the ID has already been set. To force a response from a
device with an unknown ID, type *VR. The asterisk is a substitute ID wild card which will
elicit a response from all devices on line, no matter what their ID is.

Programmer’s note: To permit multiple actuators to share the same computer serial port, the actuator
serial port output is deactivated when not in use. At the beginning of a message the first character
transmitted is sometimes lost due to a framing error. To avoid this, a NULL character (zero value byte) is
sent at the beginning of each message. Most terminal programs will ignore the NULL character, but custom
software may require a character trap to delete it.

Serial Communication Protocol

Serial communication is based on an ASCII string protocol. Carriage re-
turn (OD hex) characters parse the communications by defining the end
of each command. Line feed characters (OA hex) are ignored.
A three-pin connector is used for the RS-232 interface: pin assignments
are indicated at right. Software flow control (Xon/Xoff) and hardware hand-
shaking are not supported.

Serial Port (RS-232) Cable

Pin # Signal Description




Transmit to host


Receive from host

CABLE (I-22537)





CABLE (I-22537)




CABLE (I-22537)




Mode 1

Mode 2

Toggle setup (A B A)

Delay setup (A B)