2 product numbers and specifications – VICI ITC User Manual

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1.2 Product Numbers and Specifications

Product Numbers: ITC10X

X corresponding to
399 for 0°C to 399°C range
999 for 0°C to 999°C range

ITC10399: ITC, 1000 watts maximum heater power, 0°C to 399°C range

Sensor Requirement

Thermocouple; Type K


0° to 390°C, or 0° to 999°C, as ordered

Absolute Accuracy


.5% of full scale


.5°C at constant ambient

Sensititivity to Ambient Changes .05°C per °C change

Operating Ambient

10° to 50°C

Switched AC Power

1000 watts;
zero-crossing error: 5V AC max.

Proportioning Bandwidth



Proportioning Frequency

2 Hz


1° C increments; push button selection

Max. Power Input Requirement 10.0 amps at 117 VAC

Power Attenuation

0 to 90% in 10% increments

Physical Dimensions

2.4" x 8.3" x 5.9"; weight 1 lb. 14.4 oz.

Visual Indicators

Power On (PWR) - illuminated whenever the instrument is plugged
into a source of 120V AC, and the PWR switch is in the ON position

H ea t er O n ( HT R ) - i l lu m i nat ed w henever t he c ont r ol ler a ppl ies
power to the heater

Thermocouple Fault (TCPL) - illuminates whenever thermocouple sensor
opens. (If a sensor failure is detected, heater power is automatically
interrupted, and the HTR indicator will remain OFF.)


This manual is related to the following products: