Operating schedule, Wash dispensing, Added services dispensing – Unitec Sentine Owner’s Manual User Manual

Page 16: Wash interface, Programming hardware devices

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Document Number: SENT1002


Document Title:

Sentinel Owner Manual

but can be enabled for wash codes (bought at the pump or in the C-store), pre-paid house
accounts and/or, subscription house accounts.

3.3.2 Operating Schedule

The Operating schedule allows you to automatically set an opening and closing time for your car wash.
The message that is displayed when the site is closed can be programmed on the User Interface Set-up
Page (described in section 3.3.7). Operating schedules can be configured to vary by day of the week. The
operating schedule is disabled by default.

3.3.3 Wash Dispensing

The wash dispensing page is used to assign and configure the wash packages that will be offered at the
Sentinel. Wash packages must be set-up through the Products page (section 3.2) before they can be
assigned to a Sentinel device profile. This feature will typically not be changed after installation, but there
are some features of a wash package that an owner may want to adjust including:

Added Services Offered – Allows one or more additional services to be offered to the purchaser of
the wash package. The Added Services to be offered can vary by package. An added service must
be added to the device profile (per section 3.3.4) before it can be assigned to a wash package.

Token Dispensing – When enabled, one or more tokens will be dispensed with each purchase (of
the wash package).

Wash Details Text – The wash details text is displayed under the Wash name inside the wash
selection button. Up to 7 lines of text (18 characters per line) can be added. The wash selection
button will be sized to fit the amount of text entered so the buttons can be made larger by
entering more lines of text.

3.3.4 Added Services Dispensing

The Added Services Dispensing page is used to select and configure the added services that will be offered
with one or more of the wash packages. Added services must be set-up through the Products page
(section 3.2) before they can be assigned to a Sentinel device profile. An added service can be configured
to dispense one or more tokens when purchased. This feature allows an operator to sell token packages
as an added option to the wash purchase.

3.3.5 Wash Interface

The Wash Interface Set-up page is used to configure the hardware interface between the Sentinel and the
wash controller. These settings should only be changed by your distributor.

3.3.6 Programming Hardware Devices

The Peripherals page is used to configure the various hardware devices in the Sentinel such as cash
acceptors and dispensers. These settings would typically not be changed after installation.