Stealth Cam STC-CRV20 LCD Memory Card Viewer User Manual
Page 15

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the same files to cut. After no more image files exists in
Card A, the viewer screen will show “No Image.”
4. When using Cut, the LCD screen will show "Moving
Playback on Viewer:
1. AVI files captured by newer Stealthcam and Wildview
series with date/time stamp on the last frame: it will not
be able to show the last frame so you will not be able to
see the actual date/time stamp on the viewer.
2. AVI files captured by STC-DVSIR5 with date/time
stamp on the whole video clip: You may experience
random flickering on the screen during playback.
3. EPIC Cam video file or any video file with audio recording
CAN NOT playback on this unit.
LCD display for deleting images:
If there are less than 998 image files inside the SD card,
the information bar will update the total image count
deleted only after re-powering the unit.
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