Starlight Xpress SXV-M9 User Manual

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Handbook for SXV-M9 Issue 1 June 2004


However, if you are buying one for CCD imaging, I recommend a 3x or 5x amplifier,
or the planets will still be rather small in your images. As a guide, most CCD
astronomers try to maintain an image scale of about 2 arc seconds per pixel for deep
sky images. This matches the telescope resolution to the CCD resolution and avoids
‘undersampling’ the image, which can result in square stars and other unwanted
effects. To calculate the focal length required for this condition to exist, you can use
the following simple equation:

F = Pixel size * 205920 / Resolution (in arc seconds)

In the case of the SXV-M9 and a 2 arc seconds per pixel resolution, we get

F = 0.0112 * 205920 / 2

= 1153mm

For a 200mm SCT, this is an F ratio of 844 / 200 = F4.22, which is easily achieved
with the Meade converter and appropriate extension tube (as supplied with the
converter). Moderate deviations from this focal length will not have a drastic effect
and so any F ratio from about F3.3 to F6 will give good results.

The same equation can be used to calculate the amplification required for good
planetary images. However, in this case, the shorter exposures allow us to assume a
much better telescope resolution and 0.25 arc seconds per pixel is a good value to use.
The calculation now gives the following result:

F = 0.0112 * 205920 / 0.25 = 9225mm

This is approximately F34 when used with a 200mm SCT and so we will need a 3.4 x
Barlow lens. Such lenses are not available, but the common 3x version will be good
enough for all practical purposes.
An accessory that you will find valuable is the ‘M42 to T’ adaptor. These are short
tubes that carry an external M42 thread at one end and an internal ‘T’ thread at the
other end, and are available from most photographic supply shops. The T thread is the
same diameter as the M42 (42mm x 1mm) thread but has a pitch of 0.75mm and is
used for many astronomical accessories, such as telecompressors. An M42 to T
adaptor will allow you to easily interface with virtually any device in the astronomical

Achieving a good focus:

Your starting point will depend on the focus aids, if any, which you are using. With
the par-focal eyepiece, you should slip the eyepiece into the drawtube and focus
visually on a moderately bright star (about 3


magnitude). Now withdraw the

eyepiece and carefully insert the camera nosepiece until it is bottomed against the
drawtube end and lock it in place. With the flip mirror unit, all that is needed is to
swing the mirror down and adjust the focus until the star is sharply defined and
centred in the viewing eyepiece. Now lift the mirror and you are ready to start

SXV_M9 has a focus routine that will repeatedly download and display a 100 x 100
pixel segment of the image at relatively high speed. This focus window may be