Starlight Xpress SXVR-H674 User Manual
Page 10

Handbook for the SXVR-H674
Issue 1 March 2012
F = 0.00545 * 205920 / 0.25 = 4489mm
This is approximately F22 when used with a 200mm SCT and so we will need a 2 or
3x Barlow lens. Barlow lenses are less critical than focal reducers and most types can
be used with good results. However, if you are buying one especially for CCD
imaging, I recommend getting a 3x or even 5x amplifier, or the planets will still be
rather small in your images.
Achieving a good focus:
Your starting point will depend on the focus aids, if any, which you are using. With
the par-focal eyepiece, you should slip the eyepiece into the drawtube and focus
visually on a moderately bright star (about 3
magnitude). Now withdraw the
eyepiece and carefully insert the camera nosepiece, until it is bottomed against the
drawtube end, and then lock it in place.
SXV_hmf_usb.exe has a focus routine that will repeatedly download and display a
128 x 128 pixel segment of the image at relatively high speed. This focus window
may be positioned anywhere in the camera field and can be displayed with an
adjustable degree of automatic contrast stretching (for focusing on faint stars). To use
this mode, start up the software and select the SXV camera interface (File menu). Set
the camera mode to Binned 1x1 and select an exposure time of 1 second. Press ‘Take
Picture’ and wait for the image to download. There is a good chance that your
selected star will appear somewhere within the image frame and it should be close to
a sharp focus. If the focus is still poor, then it may appear as a pale disk of light, often
with a dark centre (the secondary mirror shadow in an SCT, or Newtonian). Now
select the ‘File’ menu again and click on ‘Focus frame centre’; you can now use the
mouse pointer to click on the star image and the new focus frame co-ordinates will be
displayed. Now return to the camera interface window and click on ‘Start’ in the
Focus frame. The computer will now display a continuous series of 128 x 128 pixel
images in the focus window and you should see your selected star appear somewhere
close to the centre. A ‘peak value’ (the value of the brightest pixel) will also be shown
in the adjacent text box and this can be used as an indication of the focus accuracy.
Although the peak value is sensitive to vibration and seeing, it tends towards a
maximum as the focus is optimised. Carefully adjust the focus control on your
telescope until the image is as sharp as possible and the peak value reaches a
maximum. Wait for any vibration to die down before accepting the reading as reliable
and watch out for bursts of bad seeing, which reduce the apparent focus quality. Quite
often, the peak value will increase to the point where it is ‘off scale’ at 4095 and in
this case you must halt the focus sequence and select a shorter exposure if you wish to
use the peak value as an indicator. Once you are happy with the focus quality
achieved, you might like to trim the settings of your par-focal or flip mirror eyepiece
to match the current camera position.
Although you can reach a good focus by the above method, many observers prefer to
use additional aids, such as Hartmann or Bahnitov masks (an objective cover with
several spaced holes) or diffraction bars (narrow parallel rods across the telescope
aperture). These make the point of precise focus easier to determine by creating
‘double images’ or bright diffraction spikes around stars, which merge at the setting
of exact focus. The 12-16 bit slider control allows you to adjust the contrast of the