English, Midi, Firmware settings – Reloop RP-8000 - Instruction Manual User Manual
Page 11

7. Pitch Fine Adjustment
Via the Pitch Fader -13- you can steplessly adjust the record‘s pitch. Via the Pitch Range Buttton -10- you can choose between a pitch range of +/-
8% and +/-16%. The respective LED will be lit.
NOTE! In order to select a pitch range of 50%, press both pitch range select switches simultaneously; both LEDs will be lit.
If you want to play a record at its original pitch, bring the pitch fader to the “+/-0%” position. By using the Quartz Lock Switch -11- you can deacti-
vate the pitch fine adjustment, the LED will go on. By pressing again the fine adjustment will be re-activated: the turntable returns to the speed set
via the pitch fader and the LED will go out. The Quartz Lock LED -12- will be lit when in original pitch and when pitch fine adjustment is deactivated;
when the pitch differs, it will go out.
8. Start/Stop Speed Adjustment
Via the dial -7- you can steplessly adjust the motor‘s start/stop time in a range of 0.2 (dial to the left) – 6 seconds (dial to the right).
9. Torque Adjustment
Via the dial -8- you can steplessly adjust the motor‘s torque in a range of 1.6 kg/cm (dial to the left) – 4.5 kg/cm (dial to the right).
10. MIDI
The RP-8000 offers the possibility to control MIDI compatible software via the integrated USB Port -29-. This port serves for MIDI communication
and controlling of DJ software like for example Serato Scratch Live and many more. In the operating system the player will automatically be reco-
gnized as “RP-8000” via plug and play (compatible with Windows 7/8, Mac OS X) without the need for a special driver.
10.1 Performance Mode Section
Via the buttons CUE, LOOP, SAMPLE and USER -24- various modes can be controlled in your DJ software.
When CUE mode is active, it is possible to store and trigger up to 8 CUE points via the eight Drum Pads -25-. If you hold the button and simul-
taneously press one of the 8 Drum Pads, the respective CUE point will be deleted.
When LOOP mode is active, various auto loop lengths can be directly (de-)activated.
In SAMPLER mode the corresponding sample slots in your DJ software will be started. If you hold the button, the samples can be stopped by
pressing the trigger pads again.
USER mode is unassigned and can be configurated freely. In Serato Scratch Live the drum roll effect is integrated.
NOTE! Mappings for Serato Scratch Live/DJ are available on the product homepage (www.reloop.com). Please check this site regularly for new
10.2 TRAX Encoder
You can use this encoder to browse your DJ software‘s active playlist. By pressing, the selected song will be loaded into the respective deck.
10.3 Dual Mode
The RP-8000 offers the possibility to activate two Perfomance Modes -24- at the same time. To do so, press two of the performance mode buttons
simultaneously. Depending on the combination of buttons the Drum Pads are divided as follows:
In order to deactivate dual mode, press one of the performance mode buttons. Dual mode can also be turned off. Please also see chapter 11.3.
10.4 Deck Selection
You can assign the RP-8000 to various decks in your DJ software. To select which deck should be controlled please proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the RP-8000 is turned on (see settings ON/OFF Button -3-).
2. Press and hold the TRAX Encoder -26- for more than 3 seconds. The pitch display shows which channel is currently being used. “CH-1” corre-
sponds to deck A (also called deck 1). “CH-2” corresponds to deck B, “CH-3” corresponds to deck C and “CH-4” corresponds to deck D.
3. Now turn the TRAX encoder to select the desired channel.
4. Confirm this change by pressing the TRAX encoder.
NOTE! You can carry out this setting also during ongoing operation. The single channels simultaneously correspond to the active MIDI channel.
10.5 Turntable Link
This turntable offers the possibility to link up to four RP-8000 so that only one USB cable has to be connected to your computer. To do so, connect
the USB cable from the USB Port -29- of one turntable to the USB TT Link Port -30- of the turntable that should be connected. Then connect the
turntable with the free USB Port -29- to the computer. The turntable connected to the computer is always the master turntable and set automati-
cally to deck 1 (“CH-1”). The second turntable will be assigned to deck 2.
11.1 LED Check
Herewith you can check whether all of the RP-8000‘s LEDs function flawlessly.
For the function test please proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the RP-8000 is turned off (see setting ON/OFF Button -3-).
2. Press and hold the CUE button and the TRAX Encoder -26- and simultaneously turn on the RP-8000.
3. Now release both buttons.
4. Now all LEDs should be lit. If you do not get the desired result, repeat steps 1-3.
5. In order to end the test, just turn off the device via the on/off button.
A new firmware mode should be added with two different on/off toggles where pad 1-2 will indicate ON or OFF when LED is lit/off.
->> Holding SAMPLER+TRAX(push) + powering on:
PAD 1: MIDI function for 33-45rpm,START/STOP,Quarzlock, Pitch range 8%-16%, pitch fader, pitch knobs, reverse should be switched OFF.
Default value: ON.
PAD 2: Dual Mode On/Off. If set to off, Dual Mode should be deactivated. Default value: ON. (With dual mode that two group modes can be
activated together as for example CUE+LOOP).
CUE Points 1-4
Loop Lengths 1-4
CUE Points 1-4
Loop Lengths 1-4
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10.06.2014 17:11:05