Limited warranty, Battery info, Replacement parts – RCBS AmmoMaster Chronograph User Manual

Page 8

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Average Velocity 

displays the statistical average of the recorded velocities within an

existing shot string. 
Extreme Spread

displays the difference between the highest and lowest velocity readings.
Standard Deviation

Standard deviation (S.D.) of a string is a measure of uniformity of the 

data. it essentially tells you how much scatter is present in the data set

relative to the average velocity. The smaller the number is, the better

your data’s uniformity. A standard deviation of zero would mean that 

every velocity was identical. An S.D. value approximates that 68% of 

data will fall within ± 1(S.D.) of the Avg. velocity, 95% of all recorded 

velocities will fall within ± 2(S.D.) of the Avg. velocity, and 99% of all 

recorded velocities will fall within ± 3(S.D.) of the Avg. velocity.  
Example:  Let’s say we have a full shot string of 10 shots. From pushing 

the Stats button we find the following information:

High Velocity:   

3100 f/s

Low Velocity:   

3000 f/s

Avg. Velocity:   

3050 f/s

Extreme Spread: 

100 f/s

Standard Deviation: 

10 f/s

With a standard deviation of 10 f/s, the worst anyone can expect is that 

99% of the shot velocities are within ± 3(S.D.) of the Avg. Velocity or 

3050 ± 30 f/s. , which equates to 3080 f/s to 3020 f/s, respectively.


The AmmoMaster


  Chronograph  operates  using  a  9V  battery. 

We recommend using high quality batteries for optimal performance. 

A good alkaline battery life under nominal lighting conditions should

last approximately 5 – 6 hours.


Should you accidentally shoot your chronograph (and most people who use 

them long enough eventually will), just call us to order replacement parts. 

The following replacement parts are available for purchase from RCBS:

# 81193


# 81192

Side Supports (2 pack) 

# 81191





Chronograph is warranted to be free from defects

in material or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase.

This  warranty  is  extended  only  to  the  original  consumer  purchaser. 

All RCBS products are intended for non-commercial use by hobbyists.  

Any other use of these products will void the warranty. Should you

believe that your

AmmoMaster Chronograph is defective in material

or workmanship, you must return the

AmmoMaster Chronograph to

Ammunition Accessories Inc. through its Oroville operation (hereinafter 

“Oroville  Operations”)  postage  paid,  for  evaluation.  If  defective,  the 

product will be repaired or replaced at oroville operations’ option, at

no charge.
Send a dated proof of purchase to oroville operations for return shipping

and handling, along with the defective product or parts to:
Ammunition Accessories inc., oroville operations

605 Oro Dam Blvd East

Oroville, California 95965
Warranty services cannot be provided without meeting the above

To enSuRe ACCuRACy of youR WARRAnTy infoRMATion, Send

youR WARRAnTy CARd To:
Ammunition Accessories inc., oroville operations

605 Oro Dam Blvd East

Oroville, California 95965

ThiS one yeAR liMiTed WARRAnTy doeS noT CoVeR defeCTS oR dAMAge

ReSulTing fRoM: CAReleSSneSS, MiSuSe, CoMMeRCiAl uSe, ABuSe, iMpRopeR

inSTAllATion, ModifiCATion, oR noRMAl WeAR And TeAR. The iMplied WARRAnTieS

of MeRChAnTABiliTy And fiTneSS foR A pARTiCulAR puRpoSe ARe liMiTed To The

duRATion of ThiS one yeAR liMiTed WARRAnTy. oRoVille opeRATionS iS noT liABle

foR dAMAgeS in eXCeSS of The puRChASe pRiCe of The pRoduCT And undeR no

CiRCuMSTAnCeS ShAll oRoVille opeRA TionS Be liABle foR ConSeQuenTiAl oR

inCidenTAl dAMAgeS. hoWeVeR, SoMe STATeS do noT AlloW liMi TATionS on

inCidenTAl, oR ConSeQuenTiAl dAMAgeS, So The ABoVe liMiTATion oR eXCluSion

MAy noT Apply To you.
dAMAge To The uniT CAuSed By BulleT iMpACT iS noT CoVeRed undeR

The above warranty provides the sole and exclusive warranty available to the customer 

in the event of a defect in material or workmanship in the




This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which 

vary from State to State.

8 RCBS AmmoMaster


Chronograph Instructions

RC119 9060