Additional information – RCBS AmmoMaster Chronograph User Manual
Page 5

m/s – f/s
Switches units from feet per second or meters per second.
To switch between units simply depress the m/s – f/s button.
depressing the “enter” button accepts the current string and starts
a new string, accepts string while in edit string mode and accepts
the results in the stats mode and readies unit for recording of the
next velocity.
Scroll ( )
Allows user to scroll to the right or the left while in Stats Mode
to view statistical information, and for scrolling through recorded
strings or recorded shot velocities (1, 2, 3,… , 10).
Delete Data
delete current velocity recorded; delete any recorded velocity in
any of the recorded strings, while in edit string mode.
Add Data
depressing “Add data” button while in edit String Mode will
prepare unit to record shot velocity within existing shot string,
if string is not currently full. data will be appended to the end of
the string.
Yes or No
Depressing the “Yes” or “No” button will confirm/deny the deletion of
a recorded velocity, entire shot string, or all recorded shot velocities.
Edit String
Allows user to enter the “edit String” mode and edit the recorded
velocities in a desired shot string.
This allows the user to delete a shot string or all recorded data
stored in the unit.
Start New String
A new string may be started at any time. depressing the “enter”
button will accept current string and start a new string.
Delete Velocity
To delete current recorded velocity, simply depress “delete
data” button, “del” will display with an indicator above “Shot”.
Depress “Yes” button to confirm deletion of the last velocity
recorded or the “no” button to deny deletion and ready unit to
record next shot velocity.
For recorded velocity in different string, simply depress “edit
String” button. use “Scroll” buttons to scroll through desired shot
strings; press “enter” to select desired string, use “Scroll” buttons
to scroll through recorded shot velocities. if choose to delete
recorded velocity depress “delete” button, “del” will be displayed
with an indicator above “Shot”. Press “Yes” button to confirm
deletion, if choose not to delete velocity press “No” button. To exit
edit string mode and ready unit for next shot within existing shot
string that is not full, depress the “Add data” button or “enter”
button. for a full string, depress the “enter” button twice to begin
a new shot string.
Delete String
Depress “Edit/String” button and scroll to the desired shot
string. Depress “Enter” Button, to select string. Depress “Clear/
Reset” button “del” will display with an indicator above “String”.
depressing “yes” button will delete current string. if you choose
not to delete string depress the “no” button which will default
back into the edit string mode and allow scrolling through the
recorded shot data.
Statistical Data
depress “Stats” button and the highest velocity reading within
string will be displayed. use “Scroll” button to scroll right to view
the lowest velocity reading, average velocity, extreme spread and
the standard deviation of all shots recorded within the current
shot string. Depress “Enter” button to exit Stats Mode, or if the
statistical data reveals an erroneous velocity the velocity reading
may be discarded by simply depressing the “edit String” button
and scrolling to select desired velocity and repeat the delete
Velocity instructions from above.
Delete All Data
Depressing the “Clear/Reset” button once will display “del”,
depressing the “Clear/Reset” button a second time will display
“res” with an indicator above “String” (see Figure 12). Depressing
the “yes” button will delete all shot velocity data stored in memory,
and the unit will automatically shut down. if you choose not to
delete all memory depress the “No” button to exit out of “Clear/
Reset” mode.
Figure 12 - Reset Display to Delete ALL Data
The display unit is what sets the AmmoMaster
Chronograph apart
from the competition. The functionality of the AmmoMaster
was designed with the shooter in mind. it allows the user to easily
review statistical data and to review or edit recorded data in memory
at any time during operation. The keypad was also designed with the
appropriate commands necessary to allow the user to step through
any operation with ease. Though data operations are simple to do, we
strongly encourage the user to read through the appropriate sections
in this manual.
1. Depress On/Off button, “rcbs” will display. The unit will, if there is
no previous recorded data, be ready to record shot #1 in string #1.
The unit will display “1” with an indicator shown directly beneath the
“String” header, then disappear and flash with an indicator displayed
directly beneath “Ready” and “Shot” headers (see Figure 13). This
menu informs the user that the unit is ready to record shot velocity
#1 in string #1.
• If unit has recorded velocities from a previous session, please
Previous Recorded Data section below. if you would like to
remove all previously recorded shot velocities, refer to the
All Data function on the previous page.
RCBS AmmoMaster
Chronograph Instructions 5