RCBS Universal Hand Priming Tool User Manual
Page 6

Photo #6 primer feed closed Photo #7 primer feed open
The tool is now ready to be used. To prime cases, hold the Universal Hand
Priming Tool comfortably in your hand, tilt the tool to cause a primer to enter
the primer feed and insert an unprimed case into the universal shell holder
(Photo 8). With steady, gentle pressure, slowly squeeze the handle until you feel
the primer seated to the bottom of the primer pocket. With a little practice
you’ll soon appreciate the sensitive “feel” of the Universal Hand Priming Tool.
Release the handle and remove the primed case from the shell holder. Check the
seated depth of the primer. If you encounter any unexpected resistance during
seating, STOP! Discontinue priming until the problem is found and corrected.
Photo #8 priming case
During priming, check cases occasionally to be sure the primers are seated to the
bottom of the primer pocket. Correct seating depth is .000 inches to .005 inches
below the case head. The base of a correctly primed case will sit flat when
placed on a level surface. If it rocks, the primer needs to be seated deeper. DO
NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE attempt to reseat high primers in
completed cartridges (a case with the primer, powder and bullet in place). Pull
the bullet, dump the powder and then seat the primer to the correct depth.
Clean the primer tray and primer feed every 500 rounds to prevent the build-up
of primer dust. Occasionally lubricate the pivot link assembly with a drop of
light oil. Remember, oil will contaminate primers and cause misfires. The top
and bottom surfaces of the shell holder should periodically be lubricated as well.
The top of the tool will require disassembly to lube the shell holder. Using the
hex key wrench, loosen and remove the four flat head screws on the top of the
tool (Photo 9). Remove the cap and this will expose the two case holders (photo
Photo #9 hex wrench on FHCS Photo #10 cap assembly removed
Remove and clean the case holders and slightly lubricate the top and bottom
surfaces (Photo 11). There is a right and left case holder. Be sure that they are
replaced back into the tool in the proper location (Photo 12). Replace the top
portion back on the body and secure with the four flat head screws.
Photo #11 cleaning and lube shell holder Photo #12 PROPER case holder
installation…beveled edge forward
Avoid using too much lubricant on the tool. If you need additional help or
replacement parts, contact RCBS Customer Service.