RCBS Universal Hand Priming Tool User Manual
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09452 Universal Case Load Block
09090 Scale Pan w/Integrated Funnel
09190 Quick Change Funnel Kit
• Keep complete records of reloads. Apply a descriptive label to each box
showing the date produced, and the primer, powder and bullet used. Labels
for this purpose are packed with SPEER bullets.
Since RCBS has no control over the choice of components, the manner in
which they are assembled, the use of this product, or the firearms in which
the resulting ammunition may be used, no responsibility, either expressed or
implied, is assumed for the use of ammunition reloaded with this tool.
The Universal Hand Priming Tool from RCBS is the safest and most convenient
priming tool you can get your hand on. Its most important feature is the
exclusive safety gate mechanism which isolates the primer seating operation
from the primer supply. The gate is an essential safety mechanism and is
designed to eliminate the possibility of a primer tray detonation caused by an
improperly seated primer propagating or “flashing back” into the tray of
primers. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE attempt to operate the
tool without the safety gate in position or attempt to modify the tool in any way.
The Universal Shell Holder accepts cases from .32 ACP to .45-70 Gov’t. Simply
install the proper threaded primer seating plug and primer feeds for large or
small primers and you are ready to prime your cases. Other features include:
• Universal Shell Holder will accommodate cases from .32 ACP to .45-70
• A primer feeding system that requires no hand contact with primers.
• A detachable 100-count primer tray that is “grooved” to position primers
• Detachable primer tray fits all manufacturers primer packaging.
• A die cast body designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.
• RCBS lifetime guarantee.
Unpack the Universal Hand Priming Tool carefully. Look for and identify the
following items:
• Universal Hand Priming Tool with large primer feed installed.
• Green plastic primer tray with clear plastic lid.
• Plastic bag with the following parts: Primer plug tool, Hex Wrench, Small
Primer Feed, Small and Large Primer Seat Plugs.