Celeb 400 dmx control panel – Kino Flo Celeb 400 DMX LED User Manual

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Celeb 400 DMX Control Panel

A) Kelvin Preset Buttons: Kelvin buttons come preset at the factory.

Factory defaults left to right are: 2700K, 3200K, 4000K, 5000K, 5500K.

User can also use these preset buttons to store custom Kelvin settings.

B) DMX ADDRESS – Use to set DMX address. The Celeb 400 automatically

assigns 2 channels. First Channel controls Dimming; Second Channel

controls Kelvin.

C) KELVIN / DIM: In KELVIN mode, an amber light appears to the left of

the button and Kelvin is displayed. Press the button again to change to

DIM mode. In DIM mode, a green light will appear to the left of the button

and Dim level is displayed.

D) Display: Provides Kelvin, Dim level and software revision data.

E) LOCK / RESET: In LOCK mode, an amber light is displayed to the left

of the button. In

RESET mode, the indicator light is green. To reset to

factory presets, hold the

LOCK / RESET button for 5 seconds.

F) On / Off: On = Green light displayed. Off = Amber light displayed.

G) Kelvin / Dimmer Knob: Manually adjusts Kelvin or Dim levels.

Press the knob to toggle between fine and coarse adjustments.

Note: Each Celeb 400 DMX fixture has an “AUTO TERMINATE” feature.

The last fixture that does not have an XLR cable attached to the

DMX “Out” port will automatically terminate.