Operation – JK Audio Voice Path User Manual
Page 5

The record/playback button selects which signal will be
sent down the phone line; the handset microphone, or
the input from PC cable.
After connecting the Voice Path as described on page 3,
recording a conversation is simple. Make certain the
Record / Playback button is in the “Out” position, then
start your recording from your software controls. The
level of the audio sent into your PC can be adjusted
from the back of the unit. Place a small screwdriver into
the hole marked “Volume to PC” and turn clockwise (to
raise level) or counter-clockwise (to lower level). This is
a passive unit so the signal can not be raised above mic
level (2800 ohms).
Make certain the Record / Playback button is in the “In”
position. Start the audio playing on your computer.
Select the appropriate position on the A-B-C selector
switch. The audio playing on your computer will be sent
down the telephone line to the other end of the call.
When the record / playback button is out, you can use
the handset to speak and listen as you normally would.
The sound that you hear on the handset is always avail-
able on the output to PC cable.