Faqs – JK Audio RemoteMix C+ User Manual

Page 8

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The output from Mic 1 is very low but the other mic is



Check the position of the Mic/Line switch near Mic 1. This

first input can be switched to accept a line level signal from a
mixer or other equipment.


Can I wire a stereo mini output into the XLR input of a
RemoteMix C+?


Yes. You need to wire the tip to pin 2, the sleeve to pin 1,
and leave the ring and pin 3 floating. You should use the mic
1 input since it is mic/line switchable, and use mic 2 for an
additional microphone.


I know that Daptor One allows Remote Mixers to con-
nect to digital cell phones with a 2.5 mm headset jack,
but what about older cellular phones?


RemoteMix C+ is a standard telephone line interface. Electri-
cally, it is similar to a telephone with a lot of audio jacks. A
cellular telephone can be used like a portable wall jack if you
purchase the proper adapter. Contact your cellular phone
dealer and ask about a Fax / Modem adapter or Data Inter-
face for your current cell phone. Do not mention remote au-
dio broadcasting as it is guaranteed to confuse them. The
Fax / Modem, or Data Interface is a little box that plugs into
the bottom of the cell phone and converts it into an RJ-11
jack. You can then plug any "telephone" like device into this
RJ-11 jack such as a fax machine, modem, or... get this... a
JK Audio RemoteMix C+. Data interfaces run anywhere from
$60 to $300, depending on the manufacturer and type of
telephone. Our customers tell us the older analog bag type
phones are the best, they have the strongest signal, longest
battery duration, and typically sound better.