JK Audio innkeeper 4 User Manual

Page 5

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Can I plug a mic into one of the female XLR jacks?


No, these are line level inputs only.


How do I adjust signal levels?


Use menu settings to change input and output levels ±10dB.


What happens to the phone connection if power is momen-
tarily interrupted?


FCC and International telecom rules require that we drop the
connection if power is lost for any period of time. We strongly
suggest that you use a low cost, computer style UPS system if
uninterrupted service is required.

Optional Remote Interface Unit

The JK Audio Remote Interface Unit was designed for use with inn-
keeper 2 and innkeeper 4 as well as innkeeper 1x/1rx digital hybrids.
This unit contains a web server which allows the user to send and
receive control data through their web browser. RIU-IP can be con-
nected to the user's computer NIC card for direct control, to a switch
or hub for network control, or to an Ethernet port with internet access
for control from anywhere in the world.

RIU-IP features and capabilities when used with innkeeper 2/4:

RJ-45 Ethernet port

RS-232 remote control port with simple ASCII protocol

No external power required

Indication of incoming ring per line

On-Hook and Off-Hook

Place call on hold or release hold

Dial (number) (line)

Auto-Answer on/off, set ring count

Test tone start / stop per line

Automatic Gain Control on/off

Audio level - Send and Receive

Master Send on/off

Phone Book updates

Conference Mode on/off (innkeeper 2 only)

Contact your JK Audio dealer for more information on this product.


Connection—Mix-Minus Setup

Number of mics
depends on mixer

Each Caller to any
line level input

Aux Send 1 to Send 1,
Aux Send 2 to Send 2

For whichever input channel you have each Caller connected to, turn the
corresponding Aux control to minimum (usually hard left) so each Caller will
not hear their own audio. Each Aux Send bus is completely separate from
all other outputs, so each row of Aux controls will not affect what is heard
on the Main outputs or on other Aux buses. If possible, the Aux Send buses
should be pre-fader, so you can use the fader controls to set the levels of
each channel to the main output without affecting the audio sent to the
Caller through the Aux Send buses. The innkeeper 2 was used in this ex-
ample. Follow the same strategy for an innkeeper 4 with 4 Aux Send buses.

Auxiliary telephones optional. Used to
dial out to set up calls or to answer calls.

Turn only these
two knobs all the
way down so
this audio does
not go back to
the same caller.
Turn all other
knobs up so
each caller can
hear all mics and
other callers

This manual is related to the following products: