JK Audio innkeeper 1x/rx User Manual
Page 8

Operation (continued)
The Presence feature is a custom digital filter that boosts low
frequencies in the 120Hz to 500Hz region to compensate for losses in
the telephone network. This is a single ended algorithm that treats only
the Caller signal before it leaves the digital hybrid. You may notice that
it has more of an effect on low pitched, or deeper voices.
The Auto-Answer feature will answer incoming calls on the first ring.
When Auto-Answer is enabled, you can still take calls manually using
the Call button. When finished, you can either drop the call manually or
allow the call to Auto-Disconnect. Innkeeper 1x/1rx will look for a
CPC (calling-party-control) disconnect signal or ROH (receiver-off-
hook) message from the phone company to determine when a call has
disconnected. This can take up to a minute.
1 kHz Tone Generator
The 1 kHz tone generator is a three-state button used for setting levels
on your other equipment. It is not used to null the phone line. When
pressed once a full scale 0dB maximum output level signal is sent down
the phone line. This will allow you to calibrate levels at the other end of
the call. When pressed again, this same signal is sent to the Caller out-
put only. This will allow you to calibrate the signal level at your con-
sole. The tone generator is disabled when pressed a third time.
Rear Screw Terminals
1 Speaker (+) Minimum 8 ohms, 1 watt max
2 Speaker (-) Use together with terminal 1
3 Ring LED Supplies +4.3 VDC, 40 mA pulse signal during
incoming ring cycles.
4 Chassis
5 OH LED Supplies +4.3 VDC, 40 mA steady signal during an
active call.
6 Call (NO) Pull this pin to ground momentarily to simulate
pressing the Call button.
7 Drop (NO) Pull this pin to ground momentarily to simulate
pressing the Drop button.
8 Reserved
Operation (continued)
Remote Jack
The RJ-50 type 10-pin Remote jack on the back of innkeeper 1x/1rx is
for connection to the RS-232 cable (included), the optional JK Audio
Guest Module 1 Remote Keypad or the optional JK Audio RIU-IP in-
terface (see Page 11).
The RS-232 cable can be connected to your other equipment to allow
remote control of the innkeeper 1x/1rx using any of the ASCII com-
mands listed on Page 10.
Dry Lines
Innkeeper 1x/1rx was designed to work on standard (wet) telephone
lines as well as on custom PBX (dry) lines. Dry line installation is
always a custom configuration and requires substantial telephone
system knowledge. These installations are found in radio and television
studios for both PBX and intercom applications.
Wet lines are typical tip / ring telephone lines that carry ring voltage,
talk battery, and full duplex, balanced audio over two wires to an
analog telephone. Dry lines carry the balanced, full duplex audio but
without the ring voltage or talk battery. Innkeeper does allow dry line
operation with a few limitations:
If talk battery is not present when the Call button is pressed, a
dry line is assumed.
If talk battery suddenly appears during a “Dry Line” call, it
becomes a wet line call, and auto-disconnect will occur when a
disconnect signal occurs, or if talk battery disappears.
Auto-answer does not work on a dry line.
The aux telephone jack will not support an analog telephone
during a “Dry Line” call.
Operation (continued)