Troubleshooting guide – Bahco Saw User Manual

Page 32

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Troubleshooting Guide

Important Facts

Band Breakage

Crooked Sawing

Guides and guide arms

Guides too far apart

Check and adjust the guides regularly.

Guides worn out

Guides worn out

Check if worn out and replace if necessary.

Guide setting too wide

Guide arm loose

Position guide arms as close to the workpiece as possible.

Guides poorly adjusted

Band wheels

Worn band wheel

The wheels have to be kept in good condition and

Too small band wheels

should be properly aligned.

– try thinner bands

Chip brush
Check that the chip brush is properly adjusted and
change it regularly.

Band tension
The correct band tension is needed to get a straight cut.

Band tension too high

Band tension too low

Measure with the Bahco tensionmeter.

Coolant/Cutting fluid
The coolant is needed to lubricate and to cool.
Check the concentration with a refractometer
Use a good coolant. It should reach the cut with
low pressure and with a generous flow.

Band speed
The band speed has to be correctly chosen,

Band speed too low

see chart on page 8.
Check the band speed using the Bahco tachometer.

Feed rate
The feed rate has to be chosen so that the teeth of

Feed rate too high

Feed rate too high

the bandsaw blade can work properly, see page 8.

Tooth pitch
The selection of the right pitch of the blade is just as

Tooth pitch too fine

Tooth pitch too fine

important as choosing the correct feed and speed.
See page 9 and 10.

Tooth shape
Every tooth has its ideal application.
To select the right one, consult page 11.

Running in
A new bandsaw blade should be run in to obtain maximum
bandsaw tool life. (see page 7) Never saw in old kerf.

Blade life
All blades wear out eventually. Look for signs of wear.

Band worn out

The surface quality of the workpiece will strongly
influence the life of the blade. If the surface is bad, lower
the band speed.

Make sure the workpieces are securely clamped. This is
especially important when cutting bundles.
Do not use bent or damaged workpieces.


Cutting Data

Bandsaw Blade


