Introduction – Bahco Saw User Manual
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consistency. To achieve this, we operate within the Snap On
QFS quality system or Quality Forward System, which uses
the ISO 9001:2000 framework. It includes a continually
improving quality management system, which includes a
focus on customer requirements and satisfaction.
All stages of production from raw material sourcing to finished
product are subject to stringent quality checks including
computer based monitoring and measuring systems.
Bahco Group itself manufactures a wide range of tools used
within the building and construction, industrial maintenance
and horticultural industries.
The turnover amounts to approximately 350 million US$.
Sales are channeled mainly through industrial distribution
and the hardware trade.
April 1999 saw the beginning of a new era for the
production of Bahco bandsaw blades. A major investment
programme was undertaken resulting in the opening,
in April 2000, of a new state-of-the-art bandsaw blade
manufacturing facility based near to Sheffield, England.
We are confident that our investment in the new production
facilities and equipment will enable us to remain at the
forefront of cutting technology and to continue to meet our
customers’ changing needs. Our new facilities enable us to
continually develop new and innovative products for the
metal cutting industry.
Bahco has confidence and high expectations for the future,
happy that our long held ambition to provide top quality
cutting solutions for our customers is already a reality.
Quality is key to our entire operation. We believe that a key
factor in Production and General Purpose cutting is product