2 measuring functions - ambient light measurement, 1 flash readings, 2 multiple flash – Gossen Digipro F User Manual
Page 4: 4 contrast measurement

GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH
3.2 Measuring functions – Ambient light measurement
Select the required ambient light function with the corresponding function buttons.
Shutter priority in function t: a reading is taken for the corresponding aperture
(see Section 3.2.3 Shutter priority mode – Ambient light measurement, page 4)
Contrast measurement in function t: (see Section 3.2.4 Contrast measurement, page 4)
Aperture priority in function f: a reading is taken for the corresponding shutter speed
(see Section 3.2.5 Aperture priority mode, page 5)
Exposure value measurement in function EV: preselect the shutter speed and the
aperture is given as an analog value (see Section 3.2.6 Exposure value EV, page 5)
CINE (frames per second) in function t:
(see Section 3.2.7 CINE scale (frames per second), page 5)
3.2.1 Flash readings
Readings can be taken with or without synchronizing cable. When used in
conjunction with a synchronizing cable the flash is triggered by
pressing the M button–the flash is automatically triggered and measured.
Select with the function buttons
Adjust the desired synchronizing speed with the value buttons.
Synch range from 1 s to 1/1000 s (including 1/90 s)
Press the measuring button M.
Digipro F is operable for metering for a period of 45 s (meter
readiness prevails as long as F remains visible in the display)
Trigger the flash
The measured aperture (total of flash and ambient light) appears
in the left digital display, and as a flashing mark on the analog aperture scale. The aperture for the share of
ambient light is additionally indicated on the aperture scale (in our example f/8).
3.2.2 Multiple flash
Occasionally the light output from a single flash may not be sufficient to
enable you to work at the aperture desired. In that case, simply
push the top value button until the desired f/number appears in the
display. The digital display of the time t disappears and the number of
flashes required is indicated (e.g.: F4 = 4 flashes).
The Digipro F will calculate up to a maximum of 10 flash sequences.
3.2.3 Shutter priority mode – Ambient light measurement
Select with the function buttons (the last stored value appears
on the display)
Adjust the desired shutter speed with the value buttons
Measure by pressing the meas. button M
The measured aperture appears in the left-hand digital display
(accuracy: 1/10 stops), also as a rounded mark in the analog aperture scale
Select alternative aperture/shutter speed combinations with the value buttons.
3.2.4 Contrast measurement
Select t with the function buttons
Keep the measuring button M pressed
while aiming the meter at various areas of the subject. The analog
aperture scale displays the f-stop series between the two extreme
values and with the actual measured value flashing. The first
measured f-stop is displayed in the left-hand side of the display. It remains displayed as a reference value
(e.g. of a grey card)).
After the measuring button is released, the entire measured contrast range is displayed on the analog aperture
scale, and the last measured value will cease to flash.