BenQ S700 User Manual
Page 142

You can carry as many weapons as you can find--you start with a
pistol. If you run out of ammunition, you can use your bare hands,
but this is a last resort. Ammunition is scattered throughout the
levels--just walk over it to pick it up. You can see which weapon you
are currently holding at the bottom of your field of view, above the
status bar. Press
to fire your weapon (or throw a punch, if you
are not holding a weapon)--press '7' or '9' to select the weapon to use.
Enemies will attack you on sight. As you are hit by them, your health
will go down. When your health reaches zero, you will die, and the
game is over. First aid kits can be found throughout the levels--these
will restore a certain amount of health. As with ammunition, simply
walk over a first aid kit to pick it up. Armour can also be found,
which reduces the damage you sustain from attacks.
It is not always necessary to fight enemies--sometimes "discretion is
the better part of valour", and it is wiser to run away!
To move, use the following keys:
Walk forward
Strafe to the left
Turn to the left
Strafe to the right
Turn to the right
hold down when
pressing any key
above to run,
rather than walk
Walk backward
Open a door