Drive belt adjust/drill install – GBC MS5 User Manual

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F.300-B/MS-5 DRILL/JULY 2000

Drive Belt Adjustment

Whenever changing head configurations or reposition-
ing heads, reset the drill head belt tension. This is
done by backing off the knurled adjusting nut (fig. 6)
with the belt lever in the up position. Lower the lever
and turn the knurled nut out until it is tight. Raise the
lever and turn the knurled nut out an additional 1½ to 2
turns. Lower the lever and close the front cover.

Drill Installation

Insert the tapered head of the hollow drills into the
spindles. Press the drills firmly into place so they do
not fall out when the motor is first started. To prevent
drill chips from flying out be sure that the drift hole cov-

ers (black bands) are in place before operation (fig. 7).

Make sure the cutting stick blocks are in position be-
fore trying to drill paper.

Drill Removal

After use, drills may become seated making it difficult
to remove them. Use the T-handled drill drift tool to
free stuck drills. Uncover the drill drift hole by sliding
the cover down. Insert the drill drift with the flat edge
down and lift up to force the drill out of the head (fig. 7).

Stroke Adjustment (Table Height Adjustment)

Whenever installing new or resharpened drills, the table
stroke and drill height must be adjusted. Turn in (clock-
wise) the table height adjustment to lower the table
(fig. 3). Next, lift the front cover and back off the drill
head adjustment on each head. Place a single sheet
of paper under the drills and raise the table with the
foot treadle. Gradually raise the table height by turn-
ing the table height knob out (counter clockwise) and
pressing the foot treadle to check the table height.
Continue to do this until the first drill cuts through the
paper. Once the table height has been set, adjust the
drill heads individually until all the drills now cut through
the paper. When cutting full lifts, any further stroke
adjustment can now be made with the table height ad-
justment knob.

Note: The MS-5 uses 2” and 2




” long drills. Be sure

to adjust the table stroke and/or drill height accordingly
when changing from one drill length to another.

Adjusting the Stroke Speed

The hydraulic unit is equipped with an adjustable valve
for regulating the table stroke speed (up and down
travel). Maximum speed is 18 strokes per minute which
is the speed used on the average run of work. Soft
stocks such as mimeographs, NCR, etc., are apt to
wrinkle at high speeds, and the speed should be regu-
lated to a point where the best results are obtained.
This is found mostly by “trial and error.”

This adjustment is made by turning the adjustable valve
(located on the left side of the control panel) counter-
clockwise to reduce speed and clockwise to increase

Never turn the speed control knob more than 2½ turns
counterclockwise (slow speed) as the drill will not bot-
tom and engage the return cycle. Less than one turn
counterclockwise should suffice for all drilling opera-
tions. Slow speeds may also cause the drills to “burn”
through the paper. If burning occurs, either increase

(fig. 6)

CAUTION: Always handle drills with
care to avoid severe lacerations. Even
dull drills are sharp enough to cause


(fig. 7)

Drive Belt



Knurled Nut

Drive Belt

Drift Hole
