Flying tips and repairs – E-flite Adagio 280 BNF Basic User Manual

Page 10

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Consult local laws and ordinances before
choosing a location to fl y your aircraft.

We recommend fl ying your aircraft outside in no
greater than moderate winds.

Always avoid fl ying near houses, trees, wires and
buildings. You should also be careful to avoid fl ying
in areas where there are many people, such as busy
parks, schoolyards or soccer fi elds.

Range Check Your Radio System

After fi nal assembly, range check the radio system
with the aircraft. Refer to your specifi c transmitter
and receiver instruction manuals for range test


This motor glider is capable of aerobatics, such as
loops and rolls. However, avoid prolonged, steep
dives. Manage the energy of descent without going
top speed.

Hand Launching

When hand-launching your aircraft alone, hold the
aircraft in one hand and the transmitter in the other.

Apply about 1/2–3/4 throttle. Hold the aircraft on
the underside and throw the aircraft directly into the
wind, angled slightly up (5 to 10 degrees above the
horizon). Climb to check the trim. Once the trim is
adjusted, begin exploring the fl ight envelope of the


Your aircraft can ascend on thermals and other
updrafts to prolong its fl ight. There are many ways
to stay aloft with a sailplane, such as ridge lifts and

A thermal is simply a column of rising warm air.
Once you get your aircraft into the air, watch your
aircraft for a response to thermals. If the airplane
randomly rolls on its own, it is likely that you only
fl ew through the edge of the thermal, causing one
side of the airplane to rise, rather than the entire
airplane. Enter the thermal by turning your aircraft
directly into it, circling to stay in the center of the
thermal. Slow your forward speed by increasing
up elevator trim so that your aircraft is moving just
faster than stall (minimum sink speed). Make easy
banking turns to fi nd the area of highest lift (the
thermal’s core).

When you fi nd the core of lift, tighten your turns to
stay near this position. Sometimes thermals drift
downwind. It is best that you search for thermals
upwind, so that you can follow a thermal downwind
if it is pushed downwind. With practice, you will fi nd
it easier to locate and anticipate the movement of
thermals. Although thermals cannot be seen, you
can see dust, insects or birds riding an updraft. Air

movement of a thermal may be felt, so movement in
an otherwise calm spot may show you the location
of a nearby thermal. A shift in the wind (in a light
breeze) can be airfl ow into a thermal.


During landing, the fl aps allow a landing approach
to be steeper because of the increased drag. Flaps
make the aircraft come in at a slower airspeed and
make it easier to fl are and settle in for a smooth


Make sure to land on a soft surface, like grass. Fly
the aircraft into the wind approximately 36 inches
(90cm) or less above the surface. During fl are,
keep the wings level and the aircraft pointed into
the wind. Gently pull back on the elevator to bring
the aircraft down on its main wheel. Fully lower
the throttle just before the aircraft lands to avoid
propeller damage.

NOTICE: If a crash is imminent, reduce the throttle
fully. Failure to do so could result in extra damage
to the airframe, as well as damage to the ESC and

NOTICE: Crash damage is not covered under


Repair this aircraft using CA (cyanoacrylate
adhesive) glue or clear tape.

When parts are not repairable, see the Replacement
Parts List for ordering by item number.

For a listing of all replacement and optional parts,
refer to the list at the back of this manual.

NOTICE: Use of CA accelerant on your aircraft can
damage paint. DO NOT handle the aircraft until
accelerant fully dries.

NOTICE: When you are fi nished fl ying, never leave
the aircraft in direct sunlight or in a hot, enclosed
area such as a car. Doing so can damage the foam.

Flying Tips and Repairs