Control horn and servo arm settings, Control surface centering, Clevis installation – E-flite P-51D Mustang BNF Basic User Manual

Page 5: Horns arms

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Control Surface Centering

After assembly and transmitter setup, confi rm that the control surfaces are
centered. If the control surfaces are not centered, mechanically center the
control surfaces by adjusting the linkages.

With the fl ap switch in the up position, fl aps should be adjusted so they are
even with the ailerons and/or the root of the wing.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT use sub-trim and trim to center control surfaces. The
AS3X system requires sub-trim and trim set at 0.

If adjustment is required, turn the clevis on the linkage to change the length of
the linkage between the servo arm and the control horn.

After binding a transmitter to the aircraft receiver, set the trims and
sub-trims to 0, then adjust the clevises to center the control surfaces.

Clevis Installation

• Pull the tube from the clevis to the linkage.
• Carefully spread the clevis, then insert the clevis pin into the desired hole in

the control horn.

• Move the tube to hold the clevis on the control horn.







Control Horn and Servo Arm Settings

The table to the right shows the factory settings for the control horns and servo
arms. Fly the aircraft at factory settings before making changes.

NOTICE: If control throws are changed from the recommended settings, the
AR636 gain values may need to be adjusted. Refer to the Spektrum AR636
manual for adjustment of gain values.

After fl ying, you may choose to adjust the linkage positions for the
desired control response. See the lower table.







More control throw

Less control throw


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