Better Light 7 User Manual
Page 94

necessary to know the exact number of rotation degrees in advance. Use the rotate stage buttons at
the bottom of the tab panel to position the camera before the desired start of the panorama. Then put
a value into the Preview Extent field that will be greater than the actual desired value. Take a prescan.
Use the crop tool to select the desired image region in the prescan image. The actual number of rota-
tion degrees is calculated and displayed as the Scan Extent. When the scan button is clicked the stage
will rotate to the selected image start and will scan until the end of the selected region. If the Return
after Scan checkbox is checked, the stage will return to its starting position at the end of the scan.
The Calibrate button is used to fine tune the acceleration and deceleration parameters used inter-
nally in ViewFinder. It is usually recommended to click this button once at the beginning of a pan-
oramic session. It is not usually necessary to click it again unless the POV value is consistently a large,
non-zero number when the camera is returned to the start position.
The five manual motion buttons at the bottom of the tab panel are used to position the camera
once it has been locked down to the panorama stage. Each button rotates the stage in the direction
indicated by the arrows. As the stage is moved, the POV value shows the stage’s position relative to the
starting point. The single arrow buttons move the stage very slowly, allowing for very precise position-
ing. The double arrow buttons move the stage very quickly. The Return button will move the stage
back to the original position.
There is a limit to the amount of motion these buttons will allow. If the stage is moved to this
limit and it is necessary to move the stage further, click the More Room button to move the limit fur-