Better Light 7 User Manual
Page 79

A folder may also be selected as the preferred location for saving prescans when the Save
Prescan… menu option is selected from the File menu. Click the Prescan Folder… (PC) or Choose
(Mac) button to bring forward a dialog box for selecting the prescan folder. After selecting the folder,
its name should be displayed to the right of the “Save Prescan folder:” label. Scans and prescans can
be saved to the same folder.
When the Automatically retrieve scans and the Automatically open retrieved files options
have been selected, each scan is immediately transferred to the host computer and the
chosen application opens the file for immediate viewing and editing. On the Macintosh,
Photoshop® is always the selected imaging application.
Automatically Save Prescans
When this option is checked the prescan will be automatically saved every time the Scan button is
clicked. Prescans will be saved in the location specified for them with all of the program settings that
have been applied to the preview image.
Auto Naming
Scans may be automatically named with the settings in the Auto Suffix area of the Preferences
window. When the Use Auto Naming checkbox has been checked, each scan will be named with the
prefix specified in the File Name field, followed by an underscore (_) and a numeric suffix consisting
of a specified number of digits. The beginning value for the numeric suffix is specified in the Start-
ing number field. The next scan will have the same File Name, with the starting number plus Step
value. This continues, with the Step by value being added to the previous numeric suffix, until
the program is quit or the Use Auto Naming is unchecked.
You can temporarily edit or override
the description as needed in the main window, even when Auto Naming is active. The autonaming
sequence will resume for the next image.
Automatic Scan Viewing in an Application (Auto File Open)
Most prescans and scans can optionally be automatically opened in Photoshop, or another appli-
cation, at the conclusion of the scan for rapid image viewing and editing. The Auto File Open group
of controls in the Preferences dialog allows the user to select whether an application will be launched
(if necessary) and signaled to open a newly-scanned image. Options are provided for launching an
application after a file is retrieved (saved from the Better Light controller’s hard drive) and to select
the application desired for opening the images.
Each scan stored to the camera disk can be automatically opened and viewed after being retrieved
by checking the Automatically open retrieved files box.