Brady label maker User Manual
Page 259

option lists 4-14
Options tab 7-41
options, choosing 4-12
orientation, changing label 6-29
Other tab 5-10
overprint option 5-4
overprinting 11-24
Object Color screen for 8-8
PC 12-2
connecting to 12-5
printing from 12-6
setting up 12-2
transferring files from 12-8
pick list prompts 6-18
Pipe Marker application
exceptions 6-11
prompts 6-19
setting preferences for 6-36
Placement tab 7-39
Portrait option 6-32
position alignment options 7-40
power cord 2-2
outside of North America 2-1
power cords, international
requirements i-viii
setting On Line tab 6-37
setting Other tab 6-37
setting Pipe Marker 6-37
setting Print tab 6-37
setting Right-to-Know 6-38
setting Text tab 6-37
Preparing to Print screen 11-5
preview in Editor window 4-2
Print object option 7-5
print orientation
Print readable check character option 7-
Print readable start/stop option 7-21
Print screen 11-4
Print Setup options 11-20
Print tool 4-4
Print/Cut out option 7-35
printable area 6-30
cleaning and maintaining 2-13
driver 12-2
installing supplies 2-3
opening 2-4
setting up 2-1
USB driver for 12-3
printing 11-2
and tape color 11-19
file groups 11-7
label sets 11-6
multiple copies of label 11-5
multiple labels 11-3
multiple up 5-4
orientation options 6-32
pages 11-2
range of labels in a set 11-6
single color 8-3
single label 11-4
spot color 8-3
supply saver 5-4
with blended color ribbon 8-3
with CYMK ribbon 8-3
with Overprint option 5-4
with Supply saver option 11-3
Printing tab 5-4
accessing 11-20
System Setup 11-21
prompt sequences 6-16
Properties screens 7-32
Purpose option 5-14
QuickText application
creating labels 6-5
key functions 6-9
toolbar functions 6-7
radio buttons, using 4-15