Danger, Warning, N o t ic e – Burnham 40A User Manual
Page 2: Caution, Important information - read carefully

The following defined terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels,
or to important information concerning the life of the water heater.
Indicates an im minently haz ardous situation
wh ic h, i f n ot a voi de d, wi ll re sul t i n de at h,
serious injury or substantial property damage.
In dic at es a pot ent ia ll y ha za rdo us s itu ati on
which, if not avoide d, could result in death,
serious injury or substantial property damage.
Indi cates spec ial ins tru ctions on
ins tall atio n, ope ra tion, or maintenanc e
whi ch are importan t but not re late d to
persona l i njury ha zards .
NOTE: The equipment shall be installed in accordance with those installation regulations required in the area where the
installation is to be made. These regulations shall be carefully followed in all cases. Authorities having jurisdiction
shall be consulted before installations are made.
All wiring on water heaters installed in the USA shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or local
All wiring on water heaters installed in Canada shall be in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code and/or local
DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
If you smell gas vapors, DO NOT try to operate any appliance - D O NOT touch any electrical
switch or use any phone in the building. Immediately, call the gas supplier from a remotely
located phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions or if the supplier is unavailable, contact the
fire department.
Ind ica tes a po ten tia lly h aza rdo us situa tio n
which, if n ot av oid ed, m ay res ult in
mo der ate o r m ino r injury o r p rop erty
dam age .