Starting, Stopping, Operation – Briggs & Stratton AA0101 User Manual

Page 6: Maintenance

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• Lower the outboard slowly AFTER the boat has come to




• Connect the safety lanyard hook securely to your

body or clothing.

• Insert the safety lanyard stop switch clip into the

stop switch on the engine. The outboard will not

run if the stop switch clip is not installed correctly.

• Test the function of the safety/engine stop switch

BEFORE each boating day.

• DO NOT use the outboard if it starts in other than

the NEUTRAL position. Contact an authorized

Briggs & Stratton Service Dealer immediately.

Note: For maximum performance and life, operate the

engine with choke in RUN position.


Fig. 5

Starting Checklist

1. Completely read instructions and understand operation

of outboard.

2. Check oil and fuel levels.

3. Be certain outboard is secure to boat.

4. Verify that all guards and shields are in place and


5. Fuel transport valve should be in ON position.

6. Adjust the trim angle. (See Installation)

7. Attach the safety lanyard to the engine stop switch. (See


8. Attach the safety lanyard hook to the operator.
9. Loosen the air vent screw


on the fuel tank.

10. Attach the fuel connectors



11. Squeeze the primer bulb


until it is firm.

12. Ensure the shift lever is set to NEUTRAL.

Shift lever operation

The shift lever has three positions REVERSE







Throttle control operation

Twist the handle to increase throttle. Always operate shift lever
when throttle is in idle




Fig. 6

CAUTION: Failure to allow engine to warm up will

result in premature wear and shorten the life of the


1. Pull the choke control


to the full CHOKE position.

Note: It is not necessary to choke a warm engine.

Choking a warm engine can cause the engine to


2. Twist the throttle control


to START position.

3. Firmly grasp the engine support


with one hand. Pull

the starter handle


slowly until you feel compression.

Then pull the handle rapidly until the outboard is

running. Return the cord slowly after each pull.

4. Push the choke to the RUN position.

Note: In cold weather it may be necessary to leave the

choke partially OPEN until the engine is warmed


5. Run the engine at low speeds for about 3 minutes to

warm up. After warmĆup, turn the throttle control to the

IDLE setting.



Fig. 7


The operator must use the safety lanyard to reduce the

possibility of a running boat causing serious injury or death

should the operator fall overboard.

• The safety lanyard/engine stop switch clip MUST be

properly connected to the safety/engine stop switch

on the outboard AND safety lanyard hook must be

attached to the operator BEFORE using the


• Check the function of the safety/engine stop switch

BEFORE each boating day.

• DO NOT leave the operator's station with the

lanyard still connected to the engine.

• Always stop the engine before leaving the operator's

station of the boat.

1. The outboard engine will stop when the stop switch clip


is pulled from the safety/engine stop switch



2. The hook of the safety lanyard


MUST be attached to

the operator of the boat to reduce the possibility of injury

in case the operator falls overboard.

3. The lanyard is approximately 13 in. (33 cm.) long when





• Turn the throttle to the IDLE position.
• Place the shift lever in NEUTRAL.
• Depress and hold the safety/engine stop switch, or pull

out the stop switch clip on lanyard.

Note: After stopping the engine, close the air vent

screw on the fuel tank cap. After the last use of

the day disconnect the fuel connector from the

fuel tank to the outboard, then run the engine unĆ

til it stops from lack of gasoline. Close the transĆ

port valve.


Moving the boat FORWARD

• Reduce engine speed to idle. Pull the shift lever from

NEUTRAL to the FORWARD (F) position.

Moving the boat in REVERSE

• Reduce engine speed to idle. Push the shift lever from

NEUTRAL to the REVERSE (R) position.

CAUTION: Never shift into REVERSE unless the

engine is running to avoid damaging shift mechanism.

ALWAYS use the slowest practical speed when operating the

boat in reverse. using high power in reverse may force water

over the transom into the boat.


• Warm the engine up to operating temperature before

shifting gears.

• Make sure the occupants of the boat are seated in

safe positions whenever engaging FORWARD or


• Any person operating the boat MUST have full

knowledge of the operation and handling of the motor

and boat.

• DO NOT operate while under the influence of

medication or alcohol.

• Every person on board must wear and use a U.S.

Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device


DO NOT shift the outboard at high engine speeds. Severe

damage and personal injury may occur.
ALWAYS shift the outboard with the engine in the IDLE

running position.


The outboard is protected from overĆspeeding with an

electronic engine speed limiter. If the engine overĆspeeds to

the point of activating the speed limiter, reduce your speed and

return to shore immediately to determine the cause of problem.

When activated, the speed limiter will cause the engine to run

rough, as if it has a misfire.

• DO NOT disconnect or modify the electronic

engine speed limiter.


The causes of overĆspeeding are usually propeller related.

Check the following:

• Broken or bent propeller blades.
• Linkage for freedom of movement.
• Engine stop switch.
• Incorrectly mounted or slipping propeller.
• Propeller ventilation caused by making high speed turns,

or an improper trim angle can also activate the engine

speed limiter.

• Incorrect transom mounting.


The Briggs & Stratton Outboard is designed for fresh

water use. Operation in salt water will result in accumulation of

corrosive deposits on exposed outboard parts. To inhibit

corrosion, take the following steps:

1. Do not leave the lower unit in salt water overnight.

2. After use, rinse the outboard thoroughly with fresh water

and wipe dry.

Salt water is extremely corrosive even when these steps are

taken. Any component failure due to salt water corrosion is

NOT covered under Briggs and Stratton Power Products



Regular maintenance will improve the performance and

extend the life of the outboard. See an Authorized Briggs &

Stratton Service Dealer for service. Use only genuine Briggs

& Stratton parts. Other parts may not perform as well, may

damage the engine, and may result in injury. Use of

nonĆoriginal parts may void your warranty.