Client/server installation – Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Installation User Manual

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8.101.0333 tiamo 1.3

The option "This computer identifier must exist in the current tiamo

system." is only selectable if a database entry already exists from a previ-

ous installation on your computer or if you want to connect to a database

server which has already been installed on an other computer.
If you activate this option tiamo checks whether the identifier you have en-

tered exists in the database. If this is true the identifier and all associated

settings will be adopted. With this option a renewed installation of a client is

much easier.
Click [Next]. If the database ports are not available, an appropriate mes-

sage will appear and the installation will be aborted. In this case, check your

server and firewall settings before starting the installation again.

7. At the end of the installation the file info.txt will be created which contains

all relevant information concerning your current tiamo installation. Save this

file on your computer in case of need in future and print it (add to IQ). Com-

plete the installation with [Finish].
An InstallLog file with a list of all files having been copied to your computer

and with a confirmation for a successful installation is saved in the tiamo

installation folder (default: C:\Program Files\Metrohm\tiamo) under


Client/Server installation

With the tiamo multi version (multiple workplace version with 3 licenses) you can

choose during the installation whether you want to install a client (workplace) or the

server (incl. a client) on your computer.
If you only want to install a client the server to which your client will be connected

has to be installed in advance.

1. On inserting the CD into the drive of your computer the installation will be

started automatically. If this option is deactivated on your computer double

click the file setup.exe.
If the minimum system requirements are not met (see above) a message

appears. Click on [Yes] if you like to install the programm nevertheless.
Afterwards, click on [Next].

2. After having read the license agreement for tiamo and accepting it with

[Yes] a window will appear where you can enter the license code. Enter

your tiamo multi license code and click [Next].

3. Now enter the destination folder for the tiamo installation and confirm with
