For more information – Constellation Audio Perseus Phono Preamplifier User Manual

Page 19

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substituting a different set of cables in order to make sure the original set was functioning
F. Check the connection between your amp and the speaker. Make sure the speaker cable has not
come loose. If it has, turn the power off on your amp, then re-install the cable.
G. Check that the volume is at a sufficient level. Do not turn the volume all the way up to check
this, as if sound is reestablished while the preamp is set to output maximum volume, damage can
be done to your speakers and amplifiers.
H. If none of these actions restores the sound, contact your Constellation Audio dealer.

Sound comes from the wrong speaker

If left-channel sounds are coming from the right or vice-versa (i.e., the violins in an orchestral
recording come from the right speaker, not the left), check the cable connections between the
turntable and the Perseus, between the Perseus and your preamplifer, between the preamp and the
amplifier, and between the amplifier and the speakers. Make sure left-channel cables are connected to
the left channels, and right to the right channels.

Only one speaker is working, or one speaker is playing a different piece of music

1. Check each cable, starting with the turntable. Make sure the left channel of the turntable goes to
the left input on the Perseus (which is on the right side, as you're looking at the back panel), and the
right channel to the right input (which is on the left side). On the back of the Perseus, the left and
right inputs are NOT next to each other. They are on opposite sides of the unit. In other words, the XLR
input numbers are 1, 3, 3, 1, the RCA input numbers are 2, 4, 4, 2.
2. Check to make sure the cables between the Perseus and the preamp are connected correctly.

Excessive hum is heard

1. Check to make sure the ground cables between the turntable and the Perseus are firmly connected.
2. Experiment with various ground connection configurations to see which produces the least hum. The
recommended default configuration is to run the tonearm ground to the signal ground connection on
the Perseus, and the turntable/motor ground to the chassis ground on the Perseus. If this produces
excessive hum, try grounding both the turntable and the tonearm to the signal ground, and connect the
chassis ground to your house ground by wiring it to the center plate screw of the AC outlet.

For more information

Your Perseus phono preamp should give you many years of trouble-free, maintenance-free service. If
you encounter any problems you cannot solve or have technical questions, please contact your
Constellation Audio dealer.

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