Misc – Calibrated Software AVC-Intra Decode v2 User Manual
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3. Are you sure the files are AVC-Intra compressed?
To check if they are, please open the AVC-Intra
files in QT Player and open the ‘Movie Inspector’ Window and
check what is reported as the ‘Format’ - it should be a type of AVC-Intra
4. Did you generate and enter in your Software License?
If not, please see the
‘Software License’ chapter in this User Guide on how to generate and enter in your Software
License after purchase. If you are properly licensed, then t
he ‘about’ page of the Calibrated{Q} AVC-Intra Options
applications should say LICENSED in green.
1. The files do not play real time.
Please see the ‘Performance’ sub-chapter at the beginning of this User Guide for information on this topic.
2. The files crash when I try to open up QT Player in Windows?
It sounds like you are on an older computer (circa 2005/2006 or earlier) that does not support SSE3 processor
instructions. A computer with a processor that supports SSE3 instructions is a requirement.
3. CatDV crashes or locks up when playing AVC-Intra MXF or AVC-Intra MOV files.
If you experience any problems in creating proxies and/or playback in CatDV, please enable Protected Mode in
CatDV. To enable 'Protected Mode', go to the CatDV Preferences and select 'Media Playback' and then check the
option 'Protected player: Use separate QuickTime helper process'. Playback performance is a little less smooth in
‘Protected Mode’ but it will be more stable. Also, in newer versions of CatDV you may wish to also disable the
‘scrub audio when dragging play head’ option in the ‘Media Playback’ CatDV Preferences to make scrubbing in
CatDV faster.
4. After licensing on OSX 10.9 Mavericks, the DEMO MODE watermarks are still present in some applications.
BETA Only Support for 10.9 (Mavericks) - QuickTime Player X and Finder Preview in Mavericks do not work with
our software. The workaround for QT Player X is to install QuickTime Player 7 and use that for playback. You can
download QuickTime Player 7 from Apple here
/Applications/Utilities folder and can co-exist fine with QT Player X on the same computer.