Yuv matrix and gamma settings, Quick setup, Yuv to rgb matrix – Calibrated Software AVC-Intra Decode v2 User Manual

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The following decode options are available in the Calibrated{Q} AVC-Intra Decode Options application:

YUV Matrix and Gamma Settings

Quick Setup

These are five different quick settings for the Full Range/Gamma OFF, Full Range/Gamma ON(Auto), Full Range/Gamma
ON(Swap), SMPTE Range/Gamma OFF and Custom that you might prefer depending on your particular workflow. You
should consider the setting information that follows as guidelines only in regards to QuickTime Gamma Correction.
Different applications behave differently with respect to QuickTime Gamma Correction.

Full Range/Gamma OFF (DEFAULT): These are the default settings and are probably what most users prefer.
QuickTime Gamma Correction will be disabled in the codec and RGB data will have the same Gamma as the native YUV.
This may produce slightly brighter/darker video in some applications when rendering to different QuickTime video codecs
as those QuickTime video codecs may be expecting RGB with Gamma Correction.

Full Range/Gamma ON (Auto): This setting enables QuickTime Gamma Correction when converting to RGB with the
default Platform Gamma (1.8 for Apple computers and 2.5 for Windows computers). In most applications, this setting may
produce darker or brighter RGB video frames when converting from YUV to RGB. However, this should correct the slightly
brighter/darker video when rendering to different QuickTime video codecs.

Full Range/Gamma ON (Swap): This is an ADVANCED setting that enables QuickTime Gamma Correction when
converting to RGB with the opposite Platform Gamma (2.5 for Apple computers and 1.8 for Windows computers). This
should only be used in ADVANCED workflows.

SMPTE Range/Gamma OFF: This setting should only be used with applications that can accept RGB video data in the
SMPTE range of 16-235.

Custom: Use this option to specify your own YUV Matrix and QuickTime Gamma options.

YUV to RGB Matrix

With Calibrated{Q} AVC-Intra you have the ability to enable/disable support for various YUV/RGB colorspaces Setting the
YUV Matrix enables you to control how YUV is converted to RGB in SD and HD.

There are four YUV to RGB Matrix options:

601 SMPTE (16,235)

601 Full (0,255)

709 SMPTE (16,235)

709 Full (0,255)

Generally, 601 equations are used for SD video and 709 equations are used for HD video.

The Full option (the default value) converts YUV, which has black-white levels of 16-235, to RGB with black-white levels
of 0-255. The SMPTE option will convert YUV to RGB with black-white levels of 16-235. The Full option is usually the
preferred workflow option since RGB is viewed at having a black/white level of 0-255 for 8-bit RGB material in most
applications. Using the SMPTE option, users can preserve the super black/white values of YUV data when converting to
RGB, but this option should only be used for specific workflow where you will be able to work with RGB data in the
broadcast range (for example, 16-235).

Important Note: The YUV to RGB Matrix setting will ONLY be used if an application requests RGB data for a video
frame. If an application requests YUV data for a video frame, which is typical behavior for the QuickTime Player, the YUV
to RGB Matrix
setting will have no effect on the YUV data being handed to the application.

Report Source Gamma As

Gamma is perhaps one of the most confusing and frustrating features for many users of QuickTime movies in their
workflow. In fact, there are many articles about how differently QuickTime Gamma is treated in various applications. The