Rapid flow installation – Bully Dog 84000 Rapid Flow Exhaust System User Manual

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rAPid FlOW inSTAllATiOn

rapid Flow exhaust # 84000

In these steps you will remove the stock
exhaust system.

Remove the stock Tail pipe:

1. Locate the joint just behind the muffler

that connects the tailpipe to the front sec-
tion of the exhaust. Disconnect the tailpipe
from the front section of the exhaust, and
then move to the other end of the tail pipe
to remove the tail pipe through the rear
end of the vehicle.

2. Use channel locks and a graphite
lubricant to remove the hangers welded to
the tail pipe from the rubber grommets that
hold them in place. Once each hanger has
been removed from those grommets the
tail pipe can easily be removed in one peace
out the rear side of the vehicle.

Disconnect Tailpipe from muffler

Remove all the necessary exhaust hangers

Remove the tailpipe

ImpoRTanT: It is illegal in all 50 states and Canada to remove the catalytic converter. Catalytic Converters must be
reinstalled in accordance with Federal Law.

REmoVinG thE stoCk Exhaust systEm