50 st ate gt diesel, More information, Pyrometer calibration – Bully Dog 40425 50 State GT Diesel User Manual

Page 37: How to calibrate your pyrometer, Reset fee, Performance testing software

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MoRe InFoRMAtIon

Pyrometer Calibration

What is Pyrometer Calibration?

Pyro calibration is a way to find the best temperature to use for the GT defueling or warning setting for your vehicle. This will help you
prevent heat damage to your engine.

How to Calibrate Your Pyrometer

1. Return your truck to stock by uninstalling the tune. See page 33 for more information.
2. Find a steep hill with a long road and a high speed limit.
3. Wait for a hot day.
4. Set up a heavy load on your vehicle.
5. Haul the load to the top of the hill.
6. Check the pyrometer temperature.
7. Add 150°F.
8. Change the defuel setting (or the setting to display a warning) to the new temperature.

Reset Fee

Why is This Policy in Place?

In the past, our technical support department has been flooded with people needing to reset their tuners. Because of this, we were not
able to support the other people who needed help. The extra calls were coming for two different reasons:

1. Despite our best attempts to educate customers about the importance of uninstalling the tune before selling their vehicle or having it serviced,

people did not remember or did not take seriously the requirement of returning their vehicle to stock and were calling in repeatedly.

2. Some dishonest people were installing the tune on multiple vehicles and calling in to have the unit reset in between each tune. The tuners are

designed to only be installed on one vehicle at a time.

Once the policy for the reset fee was created, the number of calls to request tuner resets was significantly reduced and we were able to
improve our support to everybody.
The reset process is relatively simple and a technician can help you complete the reset over the phone. See page 44 for more informa-
tion about contacting technical support.

Performance Testing Software

This software allows you to download saved Performance Testing data from your GT (see page 10 for more information) to your com-
puter and display the information as a graph for easy analysis.

You will be able to get graphs and raw Excel data for: speed, RPM, horsepower, and torque. You can print drag racing time slips, save and rename
tests, and download up to 20 tests from your GT at one time.


to download this free software