BSA Optics BOW30 Dot User Manual

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Your BSA


Illuminated sight is for use on both compound and

standard bows. Each version of the BSA


illuminated sight has a

specific reticle to help maintain precision on target with the actual
application you are using.

When you turn on the Cross Bow sight, (CBRD30C) 3, 3 MOA
dots appear in the center of the site, instead of one individual dot.

With ultra-fast acquisition, pin-point precision and wide field-of-
view, you’ll always hit your target*. The BOWRD30CP Bow Red
dot is built with the same reticle 3-3 dot with red illumination.
Attaching to the riser of your bow, a sight can deliver reliable
performance and foster accurate arrow placement.

*Keep in mind accuracy is based upon the shooter practicing
proper form; properly tuning their equipment and incorporating
a consistent anchor point. The sight itself can only work as a
shooting aid, not as a guarantee for making perfect shots. If you’re
a shooter that enjoys hunting and competitive shooting, explore
your options and consider purchasing a sight for each particular
use. Don’t limit yourself to just one sight for all situations, it’s
easy to remove one and attach another for effective and accurate
shooting in different applications.