BSA Optics BOW30 Dot User Manual
Page 11

done with your elevation adjustment screw, which is located at 6
o’clock when your bow is held in a shooting position. Rotating this
screw clockwise moves the reticle up. Five clicks will move your
point of impact approximately one inch at 25 yards.
2f) Hitting left or right of your point of aim. If you are hitting to
the left, you must move your reticle to the left. If you are hitting
to the right, you must move your dot to the right. These left and
right adjustments are done with your windage adjustment, which is
located at 9 o’clock when your bow is held in a shooting position.
Rotating this screw clockwise moves the dot left. Rotating it counter
clockwise moves the dot right. Five clicks will move your point of
impact approximately one inch at 25 yards.
Tech Tip #7:
Should you find that there is not enough adjustment
range provided, go back and repeat the “Rough Sighting In”
procedure. (2a)
Modern high-powered bows create a great deal of vibration when
fired. It is advisable to use string wax or a semi-permanent thread-
locking compound on all bolt threads when sighting in has been
completed. This may be done by carefully loosening only one bolt
at a time, applying the wax or thread locker, and re-tightening. Care