Bonide TOTAL Pest Control-Indoor Conc. User Manual

Page 5

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For Bedbugs: Apply as a spot treatment to cracks and

crevices, around baseboards, floorboards, bedboards

and walls. First, thoroughly clean and air mattresses

and springs. Then spot treat only areas that may harbor

bedbugs, concentrating on tufts, folds and seams.

Allow all treated articles to dry thoroughly before use.

Cover mattress with mattress cover or sheet before

use. Do not apply to pillows or bed linens.
Grain Insects: To control confused flour beetles,

saw-toothed grain beetles, spider beetles, shiny spider

beetles, grain mites, red flour beetles, angoumois grain

moths, grain weevils, Indian meal moths, Mediterranean

flour moths, lesser grain borers, cigarette beetles,

drug store beetles, chocolate moths, carpet beetles

- remove infested grain, cereal or flour and destroy.

Avoid contamination of other food and foodstuffs in the

areas by removing before spraying. Spray directly on

exposed stages and into cracks and crevices where

grain insects may be hiding. In homes, dispose of all

infested products. The shelves and drawers should

be cleaned and thoroughly sprayed so as to contact

all pests, and covered with shelf paper after allowing

shelves to dry. Any utensils that are contacted with

spray should be washed before using.
Spiders: Spray directly on these pests and to the

webbing and all cracks and crevices which harbor

Ants: To kill ants, spray trails, nests and points of

entry within buildings and homes. Spray directly on

ants where possible.