Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Control Conc. User Manual
Page 5
Remove all wood debris and wood forms. Around piers, pipes, chimney bases
and along foundations of poured concrete, dig a trench 6 inches wide and 4
inches deep. For brick and block foundations, dig the trench about 12 inches
deep. If footing is more than 12 inches deep, make holes with a crowbar, pipe
or a rod about 1 foot apart that extend from the trench bottom to the top of the
footing. Make holes closer in hard-packed clay soils. NEVER DIG BELOW THE
TOP OF THE FOOTING. Apply the prepared emulsion (or solution) in the trench
and to the backfill soil at a rate of 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth.
Cover treated soil with a thin layer of untreated soil.
For raised porches, terraces and entrance slabs outdoors, drill holes at one foot
intervals, 6 inches from the foundation, and pour one-half gallon of emulsion (or
solution) into each hole. Refill holes.
Be sure to treat the interiors of accessible hollow block foundations at same rate
as above. Do not use in structural voids insulated with rigid foam. Be careful
to have adequate ventilation when treating areas under structure. For severe
infestations or treatment under slabs with heat ducts or radiating heat pipes, in
basements and buildings with insufficient crawl space, etc., contact a licensed
pest control operator or termite control service.