Bonide Snake Stopper RTS User Manual

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Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent RTS effectively repels

snakes from around your home. Apply around homes, garages, barns,

swimming pools, gardens, garden sheds, woodpiles, and other areas

where snakes may be a problem. May be used in areas where children

and pets play. Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent RTS is

biodegradable and will not harm lawns, gardens, flowerbeds or other

desirable plants when used as directed. SHAKE WELL before each use.

This product is exempt from registration with the Federal EPA under section

25(b) of FIFRA, and as such, is not registered with the Environmental

Protection Agency. Bonide represents that the ingredients qualify for

exemption from registration under FIFRA.

The unique blend of ingredients in this product trigger escape/avoidance

behavior in snakes. Snakes actually taste the air around them (via a receptor

organ known as the Jacobson's organ), this product provides a powerful

scent/taste repellent that snakes find unpleasant and which triggers a

natural reaction to escape and avoid. Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake

Repellent RTS does not harm snakes, it drives them away, naturally.



Perimeter/Barrier Treatment

Using the convenient hose-end applicator on this package, spray a band 2 - 3

feet wide, next to and around the area you wish to protect. If after 2 weeks

no snakes have been observed, a broadcast/maintenance application may

be made at the rate of 1 qt. per 5,000 sq. ft. Do not water in after application.

Reapply product after heavy rains or every two weeks to obtain best results.