Bonide INFUSE RTS User Manual

Bonide Gardening equipment

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infuse Trusted since 1926 bonide

systemic disease control lawn &

landscape ready to spray

CONTROLS: powdery mildew, dollar spot, rust, brown
patch, anthracnose, take-all patch and more!
FOR USE ON: lawns and ornamental plants such as
roses, flowers, trees and shrubs, plus listed fruit and

stimulates growth of newly planted cool season lawns
and one quart (entire contents) treats up to 3,200 sq. ft.

broad spectrum and systemic disease


Store and transport in an upright position.
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1

EPA Reg. No. 100-952-4
Buyers Guarantee Limited to Label Claims.
Distributed by

Bonide Products, Inc.

6301 Sutliff Road

Oriskany, NY 13424