Bonide Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Conc. User Manual
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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its
labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying.
For residential use in home gardens, lawns and ornamentals. Not for use on
plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed
production, or for research purposes.
This insect control product is intended for control of worms (caterpillars) and other listed
insects. This product does not significantly impact predatory beneficial insects, predatory mites,
and spiders while controlling target pests. Susceptible insect pests may be observed on plants
up to several hours after treatment, but will have ceased active feeding before being killed.
Captain Jack’s DEADBUG Brew® contains Spinosad “spin-OH-sid”. Spinosad is
derived from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected from an
abandoned rum distillery on a Caribbean island in 1982. This unique bacterium was
defined as a new species when it was discovered and it has never been found in nature
anywhere else in the world. Since being discovered, Spinosad has become a leading
pesticide used by agriculture world wide in the production of organic produce. Today,
thanks to Captain Jack’s DEADBUG Brew®, Spinosad is available to the homeowner.
Add the required amount of this product to the specified amount of water, mix thoroughly,
and apply uniformly to both upper and lower surfaces of plant foliage. Mix only as much
spray as needed for a single treatment. In vegetable gardens, for best results, do not
use more than 3 gallons of spray for 1000 sq ft of area. Do not use kitchen utensils for
measuring. Keep measuring utensils with product and away from children.
Unit of Measure
Fluid Ounces (fl oz)
Tablespoons (Tbs)
Per Pint (16 fl oz)
of Spray
0.25 fl oz
½ Tbs
Amount of this product to Use per Pint, Quart or Gallon of Spray
Per Quart (32 fl oz)
of Spray
0.5 fl oz
Per Gallon (128 fl oz)
of Spray
2 fl oz
4 Tbs
Conversion factors: 2 tablespoons (Tbs) = 6 teaspoons (tsp)