Bonide Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Conc. User Manual

Page 11

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Use Site


and woody





gardens (see

listed crops

in previous

table) and

other outdoor


Pests Controlled

beetle), leafminers,

sawfly larvae, spider



, thrips, worms,

including loopers,

webworms, bagworms,

gypsy moth, and

tent caterpillars

fire ants


Mix the amount of this product specified per

pint, quart or gallon of spray and uniformly spray

foliage to point of runoff. Uniform coverage of

upper and lower leaf surfaces is essential for

effective insect control.

Individual fire ant mounds: Mix the amount

of this product specified per gallon of spray and

use a sprinkler can or similar device to apply the

diluted spray as a mound drench, using 1 to 2

gallons per mound. Do not use pressurized sprays.

Apply about 10% of the spray volume around the

perimeter of the mound and the remainder directly

to the mound. Do not disturb fire ant mound prior

to application. If possible, apply following recent

rainfall. For best results apply when weather is

cool, 65 to 85°F, or in early morning or late evening.


Mix 5 fl oz of this product per gallon of spray and apply to foliage and bark of the tree when

adult emerald ash borer are first observed emerging from the bark or when adult emerald

ash borer are first noticed feeding on the leaves of the tree. Reapply every 7 to 10 days

until no additional adult emerald ash borer activity is observed. Applications to trees already

heavily infested may not prevent the eventual loss of the tree due to existing pest damage.


Apply when spider mites are first observed prior to webbing and before mite populations

have become severe. Reapply after 7 to 10 days (3 to 5 days in greenhouses and

structures that can be altered to be closed or open) to contact newly hatched nymphs and

repeat until infestation is managed. Uniform coverage of both upper and lower leaf

surfaces is critical. Addition of a nonionic spray adjuvant at 0.1% v/v has been shown to

enhance control of spider mites (follow surfactant manufacturer’s label recommendations).