Disabling loner fdu functionality, Remove loner fdu – Blackline GPS Loner Mobile User Manual
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No Motion Alert
When a No Motion Alarm is initially sent from the Loner FDU, the user has 30 seconds to
cancel before an Alert is created and sent to the server.
The No Motion Occured screen is displayed before the No
Motion Alert is sent.
If the 30 seconds has expired, Loner Mobile goes into
No Motion Alert mode.
Disabling Loner FDU Functionality
To disable your Loner FDU functionality, in the Loner FDU menu, choose Disable Loner
FDU Function. This will return the functionality to that of stand-alone Loner Mobile.
Remove Loner FDU
To remove a Loner FDU from the available list of devices in the Loner FDU Status screen,
choose Remove LonerFDU-#######. This will remove the Loner FDU as an already paired
device in your device list when first connecting to a Loner FDU. This would be done if your
Loner FDU device is no longer needed to operate with Loner Mobile.
Using the Remove Loner FDU doesn’t remove the Loner FDU from the list of Bluetooth
devices that are available in the BlackBerry Bluetooth options menu. To fully remove
your Loner FDU from your smart phone, you must go into the Bluetooth options menu
and Delete Device.