Bird Technologies 429-83H-01 Series-Installation Instructions User Manual

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TX RX Systems Inc. Manual 7-9440-2 11/17/08 Page 3

indicates the amplifier is functioning normally, Yel-
low indicates it’s in a warning state, and Red an
alarm state. The rightmost column heading indi-
cates which amplifier is currently active (amplifier A
in the example shown in figure 3). In the six rows
under the headings there are current values dis-
played for each amplifier including;

CURRENT (ma) - this is the real-time current draw
of each amplifier and the same value that is dis-
played on the front panel display screen. This
value will update as required in real-time as long as
the webpage interface is active.

SHUTDOWN CURRENT (ma) - if the current draw
of the associated amplifier reaches this shutdown
point the supply current to the amplifier will be
turned off. This protects the tower top box circuitry
from excessive current draw.

values are the alarm trip points for the respective
amplifier. If the amplifier current draw reaches this
point an alarm condition will be triggered.

These values are the warning trip points for the
respective amplifier. If the amplifier current draw
reaches this point a warning condition will be trig-

The values for the shutdown, fault, and warning trip
points are calculated at the factory based on the
normal current draw for your tower top amplifiers.
The normal current draw may vary slightly between
different tower top boxes because of slight varia-
tions in manufacturing tolerances.

Amplifier Control

This portion of the display allows the user to
manipulate the operation of the tower top amplifi-
ers. Figure 4 shows the amplifier control section of

the screen. Remember to press the command
interface button to transmit your selection to the
TTA. Amplifier control choices include;

ACTIVE - this selection allows the user to deter-
mine which of the two tower top amplifiers will be
the active amp. The other amp will become inactive
by default.

TERMINATED - checking this box allows you to
terminate the input of that particular amplifier.

POWER SUPPLY ON - when checked the supply
current to the amplifier is on and when unchecked
it’s off.

Attenuator Status

This area displays the current settings for both the
TTA Net Gain attenuator and the Distribution gain
attenuator. The TTA Net Gain attenuation can be
derived as a manual input or it can be calculated
automatically. To use the automatic mode click the
circle next to the automatic label. Unclicking the cir-
cle will return you to the manual mode. Remember
to press the command interface button to transmit
any changes you make to the TTA. Figure 5
shows the Attenuator Status area of the screen.

When automatic has been selected the message
”AUTO MODE” will be shown on the MCU front
panel display when you scroll down the menu
choices to view the TTA Net Gain value. Refer to
manual 7-9439 “Installation and Operation manual
for the 429 Series Tower Top Amplifier System”.
Any changes that are made manually to the attenu-
ator value from the TTA front panel will not be
allowed when the system is in the automatic mode.


The SETTINGS area of the interface screen allows
attenuator settings, desired TTA Net Gain, and
main transmission line loss values to be entered

Figure 4: Amplifier Control.