Bird Technologies 429-83H-01-RD User Manual
Rapid deployment tower top amplifier, 83h-01-rd series

Rapid Deployment
Tower Top Amplifier
429-83H-01-RD Series
Designed to enhance the operation of the temporary base station, the Rapid Deployment TTA will
increase the receive sensitivity, often in excess of 10 dB, and can make up for the imbalance between
mobile and handheld users. Often in emergency situations, any increase in “talk back” range can
make the difference in mission critical communications.
The TTA system consists of two components: the Tower-Top Amplifier mounted close to the antenna
and a Receiver Multicoupler base unit. The lightweight and rugged TTA is designed to reduce wind
loading on mobile communications tower systems. In addition, the rapidly deployable package
ensures quick and reliable communications in emergency situations. To reduce the size of the TTA
and simultaneously provide 120 dB of isolation of a TX carrier, filtering has been split between the
TTA and Receive Multicoupler base unit.
Quadrature-coupled low noise amplifier (LNA) improves RX sensititvity
PolyPhaserTM impulse suppressors provide protection from
lightning damage
High performance filtering in tower top and base deck
RF bypass if DC power is interrupted
Reduced wind loading with round TTA enclosure
Quick installation
Compact, light weight, weather-resistant enclosure
One rack-unit high Receiver Multicoupler (MCU)
TX RX Systems Brand
Temporary Basestations
Transportable Command Centers
Rapid Deployment Stations
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