Operational test, Trailer charge (figure 3), Automatic application – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems MV-3 DASH CONTROL MODULE 3/04 User Manual

Page 4: Mv-3

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If both buttons are out when parking the combination

vehicle and it is desired to recharge the trailer (leaving

the tractor spring brakes applied), the red button may be

pushed in, repressurizing the trailer supply line. This mode

might also be used to park a combination vehicle—with

air actuated emergency brakes on the trailer—to provide

demonstrated parking capability with tractor spring brakes



With both buttons in (the normal run configuration), if the

supply pressure to the push-pull valves is reduced to

approximately 20 to 45 psi, the red button (trailer supply

valve) must pop out, applying the emergency or parking

brakes on the trailer. If the red button is held in manually

and the pressure decreases to approximately 20 psi, a trip

piston within the Bendix




valve will move upward—

exhausting the trailer supply—effecting the required

non-override feature.


1. With supply pressure at 120 psi, push the red button

in. The button must stay in.

2. Slowly reduce pressure in both service reservoirs. The

red button must pop when supply pressure drops to 20

to 45 psi.

Note: The yellow button must not pop out before the

red button.

3. Hold the red button in and continue to reduce pressure

in all service reservoirs. Air must start to escape from

the exhaust port when the trailer supply line pressure

reaches 20 psi minimum.

4. Release the red button and rebuild the supply pressure

to at least 120 psi. Push in the yellow button; the yellow

button must remain in.

5. Charge the system to 120 psi and push both buttons in.

Pull the red button out. The yellow button must remain


6. Push the red button in and pull the yellow button out.

The red button must pop out almost instantaneously.

7. Build both service reservoirs to 120 psi. Decrease

the pressure at the secondary reservoir. The primary

reservoir pressure should not drop below 100 psi.

Repeat the test for decreasing primary reservoir

pressure. The secondary reservoir pressure should

not drop below 100 psi.

8. If the MV-3 valve fails to operate as described, replace

or repair it using genuine Bendix



9. Close all reservoir drain cocks and deliberately caused

leakage points before placing the vehicle back into


CAuTION: Note the orientation of the buttons in relation to
the valve to be sure they will be replaced properly.




When working on or around a vehicle, the following guidelines should be observed AT All TIMES:

▲ Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the

parking brakes and always block the wheels.

Always wear personal protection equipment.

▲ Stop the engine and remove the ignition key

when working under or around the vehicle.

When working in the engine compartment,

the engine should be shut off and the ignition

key should be removed. Where circumstances

require that the engine be in operation, ExTREME

CAuTION should be used to prevent personal

injury resulting from contact with moving,

rotating, leaking, heated or electrically-charged


▲ Do not attempt to install, remove, disassemble

or assemble a component until you have read,

and thoroughly understand, the recommended

procedures. use only the proper tools and

observe all precautions pertaining to use of those


▲ If the work is being performed on the vehicle’s

air brake system, or any auxiliary pressurized air

systems, make certain to drain the air pressure

from all reservoirs before beginning ANy work

on the vehicle. If the vehicle is equipped with a





air dryer system, a Bendix



dryer reservoir module, or a Bendix




dryer, be sure to drain the purge reservoir.

▲ Following the vehicle manufacturer ’s

recommended procedures, deactivate the

electrical system in a manner that safely removes

all electrical power from the vehicle.

▲ Never exceed manufacturer’s recommended


▲ Never connect or disconnect a hose or line

containing pressure; it may whip. Never remove

a component or plug unless you are certain all

system pressure has been depleted.

▲ use only genuine Bendix


brand replacement

parts, components and kits. Replacement

hardware, tubing, hose, fi ttings, etc. must be of

equivalent size, type and strength as original

equipment and be designed specifi cally for such

applications and systems.

▲ Components with stripped threads or damaged

parts should be replaced rather than repaired.

Do not attempt repairs requiring machining or

welding unless specifi cally stated and approved

by the vehicle and component manufacturer.

▲ Prior to returning the vehicle to service, make

certain all components and systems are restored

to their proper operating condition.

▲ For vehicles with Automatic Traction Control

(ATC), the ATC function must be disabled (ATC

indicator lamp should be ON) prior to performing

any vehicle maintenance where one or more

wheels on a drive axle are lifted off the ground

and moving.

▲ The power MuST be temporarily disconnected

from the radar sensor whenever any tests uSINg

A DyNAMOMETER are conducted on a Bendix





-equipped vehicle.

▲ you should consult the vehicle manufacturer's operating and service manuals, and any related literature,

in conjunction with the guidelines above.