Bausch & Lomb SofLens Multi-Focal Contact Lenses User Manual

Page 4

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3. Initial Lens Evaluation
a. To determine proper lens parameters observe the lens relationship to the eye

using a slit lamp.

• Movement: The lens should provide discernible movement with:

– Primary gaze blink
– Upgaze blink
– Upgaze lag
• Centration: The lens should provide full corneal coverage.

b. Lens evaluation allows the contact lens fitter to evaluate the lens/cornea

relationship in the same manner as would be done with any soft lens. If after

the lens has settled on the eye, the patient reports lens sensation, or if the

lens is moving or decentering excessively, the lens should not be dispensed.

Alternatively, if the patient reports variable vision, or if the lens shows

insufficient movement, the lens should not be dispensed.

4. Criteria of a Well-Fitted Lens
If the initial lens selection fully covers the cornea, provides discernible movement

after a blink, is comfortable for the patient and provides satisfactory visual

performance, it is a well fitted lens and can be dispensed.
5. Characteristics of a Tight (Steep) Lens
A lens which is much too steep may subjectively and objectively cause distortion

which will vary after a blink. However, if a lens is only marginally steep, the initial

subjective and objective vision and comfort findings may be quite good. A

marginally steep lens may be differentiated from a properly fitted lens by having

the patient gaze upward. A properly fitted lens will tend to slide downward

approximately 0.5mm while a steep lens will remain relatively stable in relationship

to the cornea, particularly with the blink.
6. Characteristics of a Loose (Flat) Lens
If the lens is too flat, it will:
• Decenter, especially on post-blink.
• Have a tendency to edge lift inferiorly and sit on the lower lid, rather than

positioning between the sclera and palpebral conjunctiva.

• Have a tendency to be uncomfortable and irritating with fluctuating vision.
• Have a tendency to drop or lag greater than 2.0mm on upgaze post-blink.

7. Follow-up Care
a. Follow-up examinations are necessary to ensure continued successful contact

lens wear. From the day of dispensing, the following schedule is a suggested

guideline for follow up.

• 3 or 4 days post-dispensing
• 10 days
• 1 month
• 3 months
• every six months thereafter

At the initial follow-up evaluations the eye care professional should again reassure

the patient that any of the previously described adaptive symptoms are normal,

and that the adaptation period should be relatively brief.

b. Prior to a follow-up examination, the contact lenses should be worn for at least 4

continuous hours and the patient should be asked to identify any problems which

might be occurring related to contact lens wear.

c. With lenses in place on the eyes, evaluate fitting performance to assure that

CRITERIA OF A WELL FITTED LENS continue to be satisfied. Examine the

lenses closely for surface deposition and/or damage.

d. After the lens removal, instill sodium fluorescein [unless contraindicated] into the

eyes and conduct a thorough biomicroscopy examination.

1. The presence of vertical corneal striae in the posterior central cornea and/or

corneal neovascularization may be indicative of excessive corneal edema.

2. The presence of corneal staining and/or limbal-conjunctival hyperemia can

be indicative of an unclean lens, a reaction to solution preservatives, excessive

lens wear, and/or a poorly fitting lens.

3. Papillary conjunctival changes may be indicative of an unclean and/or

damaged lens.

If any of the above observations are judged abnormal, various professional judgments

are necessary to alleviate the problem and restore the eye to optimal conditions. If

the CRITERIA OF A WELL FITTED LENS are not satisfied during any follow-up

examination, the patient should be re-fitted with a more appropriate lens.

professIonal fIttInG sets

Lenses must be discarded after a single use and must not be used from patient to


WearInG scHeDUle

The wearing and replacement schedules should be determined by the eye care

professional. Regular checkups, as determined by the eye care professional, are

extremely important.
Daily Wear
There may be a tendency for the daily wear patient to over wear the lenses initially.

Therefore, the importance of adhering to a proper, initial daily wearing schedule

should be stressed to these patients. The wearing schedule should be determined by

the eye care professional. The wearing schedule chosen by the eye care professional

should be provided to the patient.

MUltI-focal fIttInG GUIDelInes

1. Patient Selection
a. Corneal astigmatism: Up to –0.75 x 180, up to -0.75 x 90
b. Habitual distance Rx (greater than + 0.75D)
c. Good motivation
d. Realistic expectations
2. Lens Selection
a. Choose 8.5 base curve for 43.75D and steeper and 8.8 base curve for 43.50D

and flatter.

b. Select the patient’s distance spectacle sphere (must be in minus cylinder form,

ignore the cylinder) and vertex, if necessary.

c. Select the appropriate ADD.

• Bausch + Lomb SofLens


Multi-Focal Low ADD: +0.75 to +1.50D.

• Bausch + Lomb SofLens


Multi-Focal High ADD: +1.75 to +2.50D.

3. Lens Fitting
a. Equilibrate for 10 minutes.
b. Lens should center well with 0.5–1.0mm movement in primary gaze,

1.0–1.5mm upward gaze.

c. Check distance acuity monocularly in normal room illumination.
d. Over-refract if necessary in 0.25D steps to 20/25.
e. Check distance acuity binocularly. Over-refract if necessary in 0.25D steps

to 20/20.


Check near acuity binocularly, with distance over-refraction still in place.

4. Symptom Resolution
a. Excessive Movement—to achieve stability and proper centration, steepen

base curve to 8.5mm.

b. Decentration—steepen base curve to 8.5mm.
c. Acuity—0.25D makes a significant difference in acuity, re-check near and

distance acuities with over-refraction in place.

d. Distance visual acuity not acceptable—

If patient is wearing two Low ADD lenses:
1. Add –0.25D to the dominant eye.

If patient is wearing two High ADD lenses:
1. Add –0.25D to the dominant eye.
2. Use a Low ADD in the dominant eye and a High ADD in the non-

dominant eye.

e. Near visual acuity not acceptable—

If patient is wearing two Low ADD lenses:
1. Add +0.25D to the non-dominant eye
2. Use a Low ADD in dominant eye and High ADD in non-dominant eye
3. If near vision is still not acceptable, use High ADD in both eyes

If patient is wearing two High ADD lenses:
1. Add +0.25D to non-dominant eye.

5. Patient Education
All patients do not function equally well with multifocal correction. Patients may

not perform as well for certain tasks with this correction as they have with bifocal

reading glasses. Each patient should understand that multifocal correction can

create a vision compromise that may reduce visual acuity and depth perception

for distance and near tasks. During the fitting process it is necessary for the patient

to realize the disadvantages as well as the advantages of clear near vision in

straight ahead and upward gaze that multifocal contact lenses provide.

MonoVIsIon fIttInG GUIDelInes

1. Patient Selection
a. Monovision Needs Assessment

For a good prognosis the patient should have adequately corrected distance

and near visual acuity in each eye. The amblyopic patient or the patient with

significant astigmatism (greater than one [1] diopter) in one eye may not be

a good candidate for monovision with the Bausch + Lomb SofLens



Focal (polymacon) Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses.

Occupational and environmental visual demands should be considered.

If the patient requires critical vision (visual acuity and stereopsis) it should

be determined by trial whether this patient can function adequately with

monovision. Monovision contact lens wear may not be optimal for such

activities as:

(1) visually demanding situations such as operating potentially dangerous

machinery or performing other potentially hazardous activities; and

(2) driving automobiles (e.g., driving at night). Patients who cannot pass their

state drivers license requirements with monovision correction should be

advised to not drive with this correction, OR may require that additional

over-correction be prescribed.

b. Patient Education

All patients do not function equally well with monovision correction.

Patients may not perform as well for certain tasks with this correction as

they have with bifocal reading glasses. Each patient should understand

that monovision can create a vision compromise that may reduce visual

acuity and depth perception for distance and near tasks. During the fitting

process it is necessary for the patient to realize the disadvantages as well as

the advantages of clear near vision in straight ahead and upward gaze that

monovision contact lenses provide.

2. Eye Selection
Generally, the non-dominant eye is corrected for near vision. The following test for eye

dominance can be used.
a. Ocular Preference Determination Methods

Method 1—Determine which eye is the “sighting dominant eye.” Have the patient

point to an object at the far end of the room. Cover one eye. If the patient is still

pointing directly at the object, the eye being used is the dominant (sighting) eye

Method 2—Determine which eye will accept the added power with the least

reduction in vision. Place a trial spectacle near add lens in front of one eye and

then the other while the distance refractive error correction is in place for both

eyes. Determine whether the patient functions best with the near add lens over the

right or left eye.

b. Refractive Error Method

For anisometropic corrections, it is generally best to fit the more hyperopic (less

myopic) eye for distance and the more myopic (less hyperopic) eye for near.

c. Visual Demands Method

Consider the patient’s occupation during the eye selection process to determine

the critical vision requirements. If a patient’s gaze for near tasks is usually in one

direction correct the eye on that side for near.


A secretary who places copy to the left side of the desk will usually function best

with the near lens on the left eye.

3. Special Fitting Considerations

Unilateral Lens Correction
There are circumstances where only one contact lens is required. As an example,

an emmetropic patient would only require a near lens while a bilateral myope may

require only a distance lens.

A presbyopic emmetropic patient who requires a +1.75 diopter add would have a

+1.75 lens on the near eye and the other eye left without a lens.
A presbyopic patient requiring a +1.50 diopter add who is -2.50 diopters myopic in

the right eye and -1.50 diopters myopic in the left eye may have the right eye corrected

for distance and the left uncorrected for near.

4. Near Add Determination
Always prescribe the lens power for the near eye that provides optimal near acuity at

the midpoint of the patient’s habitual reading distance. However, when more than one

power provides optimal reading performance, prescribe the least plus (most minus)

of the powers.
5. Trial Lens Fitting
A trial fitting is performed in the office to allow the patient to experience monovision

correction. Lenses are fit according to the directions in the general fitting guidelines.
Case history and standard clinical evaluation procedure should be used to determine

the prognosis. Determine which eye is to be corrected for distance and which eye is

to be corrected for near. Next determine the near add. With trial lenses of the proper

power in place observe the reaction to this mode of correction.
Immediately after the correct power lenses are in place, walk across the room and

have the patient look at you. Assess the patient’s reaction to distance vision under

these circumstances. Then have the patient look at familiar near objects such as a

watch face or fingernails. Again assess the reaction. As the patient continues to look

around the room at both near and distance objects, observe the reactions. Only after

these vision tasks are completed should the patient be asked to read print. Evaluate

the patient’s reaction to large print (e.g. typewritten copy) at first and then graduate to

newsprint and finally smaller type sizes.
After the patient’s performance under the above conditions are completed, tests of

visual acuity and reading ability under conditions of moderately dim illumination should

be attempted.
An initial unfavorable response in the office, while indicative of a guarded prognosis,

should not immediately rule out a more extensive trial under the usual conditions in

which a patient functions.

6. Adaptation
Visually demanding situations should be avoided during the initial wearing period.

A patient may at first experience some mild blurred vision, dizziness, headaches,

and a feeling of slight imbalance. You should explain the adaptational symptoms

to the patient. These symptoms may last for a brief minute or for several weeks.

The longer these symptoms persist, the poorer the prognosis for successful

To help in the adaptation process the patient can be advised to first use the lenses

in a comfortable familiar environment such as in the home.
Some patients feel that automobile driving performance may not be optimal

during the adaptation process. This is particularly true when driving at night.

Before driving a motor vehicle, it may be recommended that the patient be

a passenger first to make sure that their vision is satisfactory for operating an

automobile. During the first several weeks of wear (when adaptation is occurring),

it may be advisable for the patient to only drive during optimal driving conditions.

After adaptation and success with these activities, the patient should be able to

drive under other conditions with caution.

7. Other Suggestions
The success of the monovision technique may be further improved by having your

patient follow the suggestions below.
• Having a third contact lens (distance power) to use when critical distance

viewing is needed.

• Having a third contact lens (near power) to use when critical near viewing is


• Having supplemental spectacles to wear over the monovision contact lenses

for specific visual tasks may improve the success of monovision correction.

This is particularly applicable for those patients who cannot meet state

licensing requirements with a monovision correction.

• Make use of proper illumination when carrying out visual tasks.
Success in fitting monovision can be improved by the following suggestions:
• Reverse the distance and near eyes if a patient is having trouble adapting.
• Refine the lens powers if there is trouble with adaptation. Accurate lens power

is critical for presbyopic patients.

• Emphasize the benefits of the clear near vision in straight ahead and upward

gaze with monovision.

* The decision to fit a patient with a monovision correction is most

appropriately left to the eye care professional in conjunction with the

patient after carefully considering the patient’s needs.

* All patients should be supplied with a copy of the



Multi-Focal Contact Lens Patient Information Booklet.

HanDlInG of lens

Patient Lens Care Directions
When lenses are dispensed, the patient should be provided with appropriate and

adequate instructions and warnings for lens care handling. The eye care professional

should recommend appropriate and adequate procedures and products for each

individual patient in accordance with the particular lens wearing schedule and care

system selected by the professional, the specific instructions for such products and the

particular characteristics of the patient.
Frequent/Planned Replacement and Disposable Wear
For complete information concerning the care, cleaning and disinfection of contact

lenses refer to the SofLens


Multi-Focal (polymacon) Visibility Tinted Contact Lens

Patient Information Booklet.
Disposable Wear
For complete information concerning emergency lens care, refer to the SofLens


Multi-Focal Contact Lens Patient Information Booklet.

care for a stIcKInG (nonMoVInG) lens

If the lens sticks (stops moving), the patient should be instructed to use a lubricating or

rewetting solution in their eye. The patient should be instructed to not use plain water,

or anything other than the recommended solutions. The patient should be instructed

to contact the eye care professional if the lens does not begin to move upon blinking

after several applications of the solution, and to not attempt to remove the lens except

on the advice of the eye care professional.

care for a DrIeD oUt

(DeHyDrateD) lens

If a soft, hydrophilic contact lens is exposed to air while off the eye, it may become dry

and brittle and need to be rehydrated. If the lens is adhering to a surface, apply the

recommended rinsing solution before handling.
To rehydrate the lens:
• Handle the lens carefully.
• Place the lens in its storage case and soak the lens in a recommended rinsing and

storing solution for at least 1 hour until it returns to a soft state.

• Clean lens first, then disinfect the rehydrated lens using a recommended lens care


• If after soaking, the lens does not become soft, if the surface remains dry, DO




If chemicals of any kind (household products, gardening solutions, laboratory

chemicals, etc.) are splashed into your eyes, you should: FLUSH EYES




reportInG of aDVerse reactIons

All serious adverse experiences and adverse reactions observed in patients

wearing Bausch + Lomb SofLens


Multi-Focal (polymacon) Visibility Tinted

Contact Lenses or experienced with the lenses should be reported to:
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated

Rochester, New York 14609

Toll Free Telephone Number

In the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii


In New York State


In Canada


HoW sUpplIeD

Each sterile lens is supplied in a plastic blister package containing a phosphate

buffered saline solution with 0.1% polyvinyl alcohol. The container is marked with

the manufacturing lot number of the lens, the base curve, sphere power, add

power, diameter and expiration date.