Bausch & Lomb Optima 38/SP Contact Lenses User Manual
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and/or non-aphakic persons with non-diseased eyes, that
exhibit astigmatism of 2.00 diopters or less and can
obtain satisfactory visual acuity, in a power range of
–20.00 to +20.00 diopters.
Occasions™ Multifocal and P.A.1 are indicated for daily
wear for the correction of refractive ametropia (myopia
and hyperopia) in phakic, presbyopic persons with non-
diseased eyes, that exhibit astigmatism of 2.00 diopters
or less. The bifocal lens is indicated for patients requiring
up to 2.00 diopters of refractive add. The lens provides a
nominal functional add of 1.50 diopters in a power range
of –9.00 to +6.00 for Occasions™ Multifocal, and –6.00 to
+6.00 diopters for P.A.1.
Contact Lenses are indicated for daily wear
for the correction of refractive ametropia (myopia and
hyperopia) in aphakic and/or non-aphakic persons with
non-diseased eyes, that exhibit astigmatism of 2.00
diopters or less and can obtain satisfactory visual acuity,
in a power range of –9.00 to +15.00 diopters. These may
also be used for color enhancement of the eye and for
ocular masking.
Eye care practitioners may prescribe the lenses for
traditional or frequent/planned replacement wear, with
cleaning disinfection and scheduled replacement (see
WEARING SCHEDULE). The lenses may be disinfected
using either a heat or chemical disinfection system.
Extended Wear
The Bausch & Lomb
(polymacon) O3 and O4
Contact Lenses are indicated for extended wear from 1 to
7 days between removals for cleaning and disinfection or
replacement as recommended by the eye care practitioner.
The lenses are indicated for the correction of visual acuity
of myopic and hyperopic, phakic patients with non-
diseased eyes, that exhibit astigmatism of 2.00 diopters
or less and can obtain satisfactory visual acuity in a
power range of –9.00 to +4.00 diopters.
Eye care practitioners may prescribe the lens for traditional
or frequent/planned replacement wear, with cleaning
disinfection and scheduled replacement (see WEARING
SCHEDULE). The lenses may be disinfected using either a
heat or chemical disinfection system.
(polymacon) Contact Lens when any of the following
conditions exist:
• Acute and subacute inflammation or infection of the
anterior chamber of the eye
• Any eye disease, injury, or abnormality that affects the
cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelids
• Severe insufficiency of lacrimal secretion (dry eyes)
• Corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity), if
• Any systemic disease that may affect the eye or be
exaggerated by wearing contact lenses
• Allergic reactions of ocular surfaces or adnexa
(surrounding tissue) that may be induced or exaggerated
by wearing contact lenses or use of contact lens
• Allergy to any ingredient, such as mercury or
Thimerosal, in a solution which is to be used to care for
the BAUSCH & LOMB® SOFLENS® (polymacon) Contact
• Any active corneal infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral)
• If eyes become red or irritated
Patients should be advised of the following warnings
pertaining to contact lens wear:
• Problems with contact lenses and lens care products
could result in serious injury to the eye. It is essential
that patients follow their eye care practitioner’s direction
and all labeling instructions for proper use of lenses and
lens care products, including the lens case. Eye
problems, including corneal ulcers, can develop rapidly
and lead to loss of vision.
• Daily wear lenses are not indicated for overnight wear,
and patients should be instructed not to wear these
lenses while sleeping. Clinical studies have shown that
the risk of serious adverse reactions is increased when
contact lenses are worn overnight.
• Studies have shown that contact lens wearers who are
smokers have a higher incidence of adverse reactions
than nonsmokers.
• NaturalTint
Contact Lenses reduce the amount of light
entering the eye and should not be used under reduced
illumination conditions such as night driving.
• As with all soft bifocal lenses, Occasions™ Multifocal
and P.A.1 Bifocal contact lenses may require a number
of fitting procedures before a final lens selection is
made. As a patient’s add requirement increases, the
probability of the patient achieving good visual acuity
decreases. A realistic visual expectation for the average
patient is that distance VA will be comparable to
spectacles; near VA probably slightly less.
• The risk of ulcerative keratitis has been shown to be
greater among users of extended wear contact lenses
than among users of daily wear contact lenses. The risk
among extended wear lens users increases with the
number of consecutive days that the lenses are worn
between removals, beginning with the first overnight
use. Some researchers believe that these complications
are caused by one or more of the following: a weakening
of the cornea’s resistance to infections, particularly
during a closed-eye condition, as a result of hypoxia; an
eye environment which is somewhat more conducive to
the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms,
particularly when a regular periodic lens removal and
disinfecting or disposal schedule has not been adhered
to by the patient; improper lens disinfection or cleaning
by the patient; contamination of lens care products; poor
personal hygiene by the patient; patient unsuitability to