Setting the baumset or gapset – Baumfolder Rebuilding a 200 – 700 series folder User Manual
Page 13

To set the Zero Baumset dial, remove all the strips of paper from the Baumset adjustment gap
and do the following:
Locate the micro adjustment knob so that the top is level with the top of the lever. The
Zero Baumset dial should be seated on the stem lock nut. It will be necessary to loosen
the stem lock nut and screw the micro adjustment knob up or down if it is not level with
the top of the dial.
At this time, align the triangle on the lever and the triangle on the Zero Baumset dial.
(See triangle alignment illustration.) Make certain the Baumset lock knob is tight so the
tension screw doesn’t turn while the micro adjustment knob is adjusted up or down.
Recheck the calibration to be sure the tension screw did not turn. Retighten the stem
lock nut.
The micro adjustment know must be level with the lever to ensure a proper
reference point for the triangle alignment in case the micro adjustment knob is turned
360 degrees up or down. If it is not level indicates that the micro adjustment knob
should be readjusted.
Now the Zero Baumset is calibrated. To set up a job, refer to the operation of the Baumset.
Once the Baumset has been calibrated or zero in the fold rollers can
be set automatically with a designated amount of paper in each
Baumset or each roller can be set manually.
To calibrate rolls:
1. Be sure all rolls closed (together). Turn tension screw until
washer (A ) is just touching Roll Bearing ( B ).
2. Insert one thickness paper (small) into each Baumset ( C ) Lift
lever ( D ) to insert.
3. Using same type paper, cut two strips of paper 2” x 10” and insert
into rolls starting with #1 roller and proceed with same procedure
through #5. (Baumset is number 1,2,3,4,5) Insert strips on right
and left side by lifting lever ( D ) and inserting strips, or with power
off, turn sheets into rolls by turning hand wheel. NOTE: If turning
rollers backward inserting paper, rock them in forward motion to
set the gears to insure rolls together.
4. With lock screw ( E ) loose turn tension screw counter clockwise
and pull on strip of paper at the same time until you can feel it
starting to move. Repeat same motion on other end of fold roller.
Recheck to be sure both ends of the roll has a snug drag (equal).
Lock the tension setting with lock screw ( E ). Recheck again to
insure you still have same setting.
5. Repeat on #2 then #3 and etc…
** End of Section 3 **
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