Baumfolder BAUM20: Autoset Service Manual for Pile feed User Manual
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10.4 Autoset stacker not working. Check network fuse in the junction box the stacker is plugged into.
A) So if the stacker is connected to the parallel check F25 in the parallel junction box. Also
check for 24Vdc between terminal blocks 201 and 202 in parallel junction box.
B) So if the stacker is connected to the 8-Page check F29 in the 8-Page junction box. Also
check for 24Vdc between terminal blocks 301 and 302 in 8-Page junction box.
C) So if the stacker is connected to the 16-Page check F33 in the 8-Page junction box. Also
check for 24Vdc between terminal blocks 401 and 402 in 8-Page junction box.
D) Go to the initiate screen, under the maintenance and check stacker for communication seeing
a green communication block, if green go to 10.4 E). If block is red press the initiate button
for the stacker. Block should go grey then back to red. Turn off Autoset power switch, wait
15 seconds and turn back on. When all motors turn green problem is fixed. If all is green
except the stacker, go to 10.4 F).
E) Go to stacker jogger control and try to move stacker wheel location.
F) Open stacker motor controller junction box, check controller for flashing LED and proper
network address.
G) Check stacker communication cable for continuity between both ends of cable, use
schematic as reference. If continuity test fails replace cable assembly. If continuity test
passes replace drive controller.
10.5 A single fold pan not moving.
A) Go to the initiate screen, under the maintenance and check fold pan for communication
seeing a green communication block, if green go to 10.5 B). If block is red press the initiate
button for that pan. Block should go grey then back to red. Turn off Autoset power switch,
wait 15 seconds and turn back on. When all motors turn green problem is fixed. If all is
green except the problem pan, go to 10.5 C).
B) Go to pan jogger control and try to move pan location.
C) Open pan motor controller junction box, check controller for flashing LED and proper
network address.
D) Check pan communication cable by swapping communication cable between pans. Power
down Autoset power. Swap communication cables. Power Autoset back up. If Problem is in
the same fold pan, replace drive controller. If problem follows the cable, run a continuity test
on cable. If cable fails the continuity test, replace cable assembly. If cable passes continuity
test check all wiring connections of that cable.
10.6 A single pan not moving, but drive controller has drive communication shown by green block on
initiation screen.
A) Turn off Autoset power, Can pan be moved freely by hand. If not look for mechanical bind
in pan.
B) With Autoset power on test motor voltage when trying to move, open motor junction box,
measure the voltage between the red and black conductors from the motor. Approximately 6
Vdc will be seen when motor is moving and approximately 1 Vdc is applied when holding
C) Check to make sure that motor shaft is not rotating in gear. Check set screws, should be two
set screws per hole.
D) Replace motor.
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